This dream took place with me and two others in a car driving some place. We were having car problems, so we pulled into a parking area and got out to see what we could do to fix teh car. My grand dog was with us and a bit antsy, so I took him out on his leash and tried to find a place to tie him up to, so he wouldn't run away. At that point, one of my travel buddies, (whom I don't know in real life), came up to me and whispered, "don't look now, but it's the police!" I turned and sure enough, a police officer was coming our way. I realized there was a bunch of them going to their cars, parked a bit away from us in the lot, though we didn't notice them earlier. No lights going, it was as if they were all coming out of a restaurant or something. He came up to me and asked if he could help. Now, we didn't have the hood of the car opened or anything, so it did just look like we were parking--no car issues. So, I just told him the dog needed a break and I was looking to tie him up somewhere while we stretched our legs. (why we didn't walk the dog I don't know??) He helped me to tie him up at a pole, and the dog could look over the railing to see water below. It was like a river, the ocean, or something. July 24, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
One guy came 2 my house n he pole me with his knife more times n after i took knife n cut his legs when i was cutting legs changed smal like radish June 11, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamed about a carabao fell down the street and when i helped him,the carabao wants to attact me..i climed in a pole and the carabao is waiting for afraid and cried because i cant stand it anymore holding the pole. June 05, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I see two small Florida lizards inside the house near some plants that are situated near a window. I am fearful of these things in real life and usually run from them. I get startled when I see them and go in the other direction. Then I see a snake in the same area. It's a black snake with light brown and dark brown spots on it. It seems like something was connected to it. Maybe two snacks connected, but not too sure on that. I remember it was an awkward shape. Long like a snake but something awkward about the shape. Maybe about 4' long. I go to another room to get away and the snake is in there. Not sure if it's the same one, but it looks the same. I run to the other side of the room frantically looking for something to smash it with or protect myself with. I find a long pole that I decide I will use to defend myself, if needed. While all the way on the other side of the room, the snake leaps up and flies toward me, landing on me and getting tangled in it. I try to defend myself with the pole but the snake is on me so it makes it too difficult. It is either biting me or about to bite me. Somehow I was aware of what the snake was about to do, before hand. Then I woke up. May 31, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
It was night time and I was pooping napoleon ice cream and there was a polar bear in a bikini talking on the phone May 24, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamed I was riding in the passenger side of a vehicle down hill on a rock road where I seen a white wood frame house with a pond in front that went up to the concrete driveway and wrapped around the side of the house to the back yard. I seen a lot of fish jumping around in the murky water i than noticed a medium white dog walking from a two story light red brick home across the street into the concrete driveway of the white wood framed house with the pond and there was an alligator at the driveway edge in the water floating. The white dog looked down into the water and the alligator reached out and bit into the white dog's bottom lip and pulled the dog into the water and down under the water. I ran over and looked down in the water where I could see the white dogs black lips and his black eyes were looking up at me from under the water. I looked around and found a chunk of concrete and thought to myself I hope I do not hit the dog or if I hit the alligator that it does not get angry and start to roll the dog under water. I dropped the rock and hit the alligator it released the white dog who swam up to the front of the pond at the front of the drive way I grabbed the dog out of the water and went inside of the house in a bedroom that a man and a woman was in, the man had to take a shower so the woman and I went down a hall to another room that was painted dark pink with a small window in the west side wall. i looked out the window and seen a larger alligator come walking out of the water onto the green grassy yard it looked at something up close to window turned around walked back to the pond. i noted a man who was fishing pull in his line grab his pole and things and walk pass the big alligator who was going back into the water see's the man walk close pass him and turns around after the man bites him on his blue jeans by his foot the man commands the alligator to stop and stay it obays the man the man comes into the house and tells me there is a baby alligator tangled up in clear plastic twine and he was going to go untangle the baby alligator to set it free. i told the man to take the other man from the house to watch out that the big alligator does not attack him because it was a wild animal and could not trust that it will obay the fisherman again the man said that was a good idea so the two men went outside and freed the baby alligator i than seen the baby and the big alligator and a medium alligator lined up on the green grass outside the window. May 10, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamt that I was sitting in my room and my grandma walked in she was holding something that looked like a suit jacket and behind her was my grandpa he was holding a fishing pole and when I tried to speak to them I couldn't talk and when I tried to get up I couldn't get up then I woke up what do you think this could mean. My grandma passed away last christmas 2012 and my grandpa passed away like 2 years ago. August 25, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I walked into a pole - and smacked my forehead - realized it didn't hurt because there was novican in it. I anticpated the pain once the medication wore off. It was daylight and in the city May 06, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis