One time I dreamt about loneliness and unhappiness the dream kept on getting worse and worse as it went on, It started with being happy with my family and my boyfriend , we had fun for the day quarantine was over. As I kept going in that dream the darker it got it started when i was over at my boyfriend s house, he hit me abused me his parents and sister did nothing he beat me just like my dad did when i was younger but more violent, I didn't do anything wrong and i know i didn't but i was beaten anyways. I ran away into the woods scared for my life as my boyfriend gets his gun from the area he leaves it and I'm running for my life. Then i reached a point where i lost him, i ran deeper through the woods and found a swamp the swamp was beautiful and had a lot of nice things kind of like what you would see from a disney happy part of a movie, animals were there, my dead family members and everyone was there and my grandma saying “it's not your time yet to die dear keep going and don't look back” as I look back my boyfriend s gun was right at my face.
I was at my parents house when I looked at myself in the mirror and noticed that the lens of my left eye had become cloudy with a thin milky white layer resembling cataract. It impaired my eyesight reducing the vision on the eye to about 50%. Even though I realized that I couldn't remove it, the discomfort i felt as a result of the reduced eyesight made me rub it repeatedly. I walked out of the bathroom and headed to join my family in the garden while feeling concerned about the possibility that it would spread to the other eye and leave me blind.
Went to my parents home with my dog, but couldn't rest. I went to walk him, and lost him outside the supermarket. I approached a man getting into a car & he had kids and a dog, but it wasn't my dog. Going back to the supermarket, I saw my dog run to me. Then I started to walk home along a narrow path close to the road going uphill, and a young man ran by, then stopped, saying something unintelligible but threatening. I walked across the street, seeing the path led to a maze with some carousel type rides. I didn't think I could climb fast enough not to block the people behind me. Then I saw a commuter train, got on, discovering I had lost my wallet. The women online told me the train went to the university downtown, at Church st. I thought I could call my father to pick us up if I could borrow some change. I saw a group of university men jogging, and asked for help, but they ignored me. One ran back to tell me I was abusing my dog by not giving me water. I found the main intersection & tried to flag down a cab, but could not.
Parents/family giving us a house that is very big and has more rooms the more you look around
I dreamed that i was at the casino with me my girlfriend n her parents then we lft there n went to the old house my mom grew up in me an her started fussing then next thing i know there are people for me like to come fight me idk why
A few nights ago I had a dream me and my boyfriend were going with my friend and her parents somewhere but I can’t remember where. She lived in like a hill desert area which was weird because in real life she doesn’t live by that. But we let my boyfriend drive and he was going super fast around the hills and curves and my friend’s mom was freaking out at me and him and told us to stop the vehicle, but then my dream just to us rolling the car onto some little ditch and my friend’s mom being so pissed. Then it jumps again to being in a mall and we were shopping then I can’t remember anything else. But it’s weird because this friend in the dream, I would never be allowed to hang out with because her mom hates my guts so much for I don’t know what reason.
I woke up at 4:44am from a super intense dream that we were under marshal law and the military was coming in to lock down the roads to keep us in place. My daughters and I were camping in my parents RV in at a ‘glamping’ waterfront resort near my house. My newish boyfriend (of 9 months) arrived just as it was starting when we didn’t know what was happening yet and secured us in the locked RV safely. I went out to get my parents rifle (which they don’t have in real life) from a safe while my boyfriend was helping the girls hide, just as a stranger manifested inside the RV and I drew the gun to shoot an empty fire arm. I woke up so panicked it felt real and looked up that other people have been having marshal law dreams
My husband was led naked outside my parents house,it was night time. he never met them as they passed away years ago. I tried to pick him up, then he disappeared. I Walked up the path to an alley way which led to a cul de sac where my parents back garden was. On the way I passed a man in a dark raincoat, then a person in a white racing driver suit and white helmet passed me. I then saw up against the wall a man named from the waist up either tattoed or covered in body paint. A boy came from behind me brandishing a knife, but had no interest in me and passed me by. I then saw a woman in a dark coat that was zipped up but her arms were inside the cost not in the sleeves, she then pulled a small deringer gun out from inside her coat and aimed it at me! I then woke up.
I had beautiful parents but they weren't my parents they were like in there 20s and we were at like a villiage it was really pretty it was all green and it was sunny and the I saw them at the hill and went them and laid with them for a lil and the woke up cuz of my alarm
Recently I dreamed that my car was in the auto shop, & I was going to get it out. On the way there a guy gave me a ride & then invited me to attend his church. I said okay, & shortly after arriving at his church I discovered that a number of their church practices were what Christians call "false teachings". While I was there I also saw two young & very pretty girls who were both NAKED! This was not like any other dream of seeing naked people. Usually, I can't see much, but this time I got a PERFECT VIEW of them! Then when I went to the restroom I discovered that there was no door or even walls. I had to be naked in front of a bunch of people, but was not bothered by it! Not the usual for me. After that, someone told us that we had to get rid a lot of trash that was in the church. There was a lot of paper trash shoved underneath a table & it took a while to get it all. Next we had to clear out a lot of metal trash. We managed to fill a huge, huge trash bin. I left with the idea that since that church taught a lot of false doctrine, that they might also be abusing people too (think Waco & David Koresh)! I also thought I might should bring things to the attention of law enforcement, but doubted that it would do any good. Then I got a call from my mom (deceased by the way) telling me that my dad (also deceased) had been out riding my sisters bicycle (trashed decades ago) when he got hit by a train. The train people offered to get the bicycle fixed & my mom needed me to pick it up at a (different) auto shop. So I went there & found the manager in his office kissing his secretary. The secretary had removed her shirt, & once again I saw everything! Afterwards, I got the bike to my parents who were staying in a small, slightly run-down place provided by the bicycle insurance company. I woke up before I could get my car or get back to those pretty (& naked) girls. I should also mention that I am 65 & retired.