Understand My Dreams

Dreams oak

I was in a mansion SAS house on a trip. me and boyfriend had a big room. had sex. went to the toilet there was wee on the floor. boys running around. went to other toilet there was a big window and people watching me. couldn't wee. president walked in. walked back to room with a soaking wet towel. threw the towel then saw there was cctv. worried headmistress would see. back in room had loud music on and sex again went to a big hall and ate food in a restaurant with mine and boyfriend s family. got drunk. decided to go to south of france on the beach. went in another big hall, trying to swallow pills kept getting stuck in throat

I dreamed that I woke up and went to the bathroom to look in the mirror. When I looked in the mirror I had long gray hair with a part in the middle. I began to panic because of how I looked in the mirror. So I went in the living room,and saw six men sitting down talking. Although I was shocked at how the men appeared in my house, I also wanted to know why? Once I saw this I walked down the hallway halfway to my dad's room, and there was a figure dressed in a black cloak. When it turned around to face me it was a evil witch. I then ran to the front room thinking the men would protect me, and the witch turned them into dust. Then it looked at me with a large mouth and said,"I got you you lazy bum!"

Had a dream but it was more like a vision that a dark cloaked man with a white mask was standing over me and meant to wish me harm. He was just standing over me staring as I slept. I saw his face and we looked each other in the eye as he seemed like he wanted to grab me but was unsure and hesitant. I imagined myself banishing the tall dark cloaked man with the white mask and first he resisted. I yelled for him to get out. He vanished but was replaced with a man in a white tank top and jeans floating directly over my body as I slept. I was not afraid of the dark cloaked man and simply wanted him to leave me alone as I believe he was there to hurt me.

I was put in a home for suicidal people and i was to share room with three other girls. I was crying going in and a fat man with a cloak wrapped his arm around me and kissed my head. He lead me in and I sat down with one of the other girls. she was fat to, but she wrapped her arm around me and i told her how many times i tried suicide. the fat man tried to listen in but i told him to go away. There was also a secetary behind a desk in every room. when i went out to the hall in the home it was like an indoor street. There was four gaurds in the hall. Two men and two women. One women had curly long brown hair and the other short blonde hair. The men looked like male versions. Me and one of my friends were trying to escape by pressing a red button. but it was under a wire. the gaurds only cared if we got out, not for trying. But the door did open. I ran out. my friend got cought. I ran down the carrador. The women with the brown hair cought me and in a blink i was back in my room. I refused to come out so they had to bring my dinner in to me. I was with the secertary and the fat man with the cloak. The man and women with the blonde hair came in and asked me to get out. I said no and they asked want a bet. They grabbed one of my arms each and dragged me outside to the hall and locked my bedroom door behind me. later that day we wer in school. i was so bored i started wobbling and i was sent outside for bad behavior. weird..

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