Understand My Dreams

Dreams message

I had just laid down and I guess fallen asleep. I felt like I was awoken to a message on my iPod, I rolled over and just saw a text that said "I understand". I was to tire an figured I would answer it later. When I woke up to check my messages the message was not there. I felt like I was awake when u got this message just to tired to grab the iPod and answer it. Everything was real. I could see into my lobbing room, I could smell my oil burner in the next room and I could feel my dog next to me in bed. My messages usually pop up with a contact next to them but this Tim in the dream there was no and an when I woke up there was no message.

I was at church with my family and I was in a queue walking up to the alter, a guy was behind me kissing my neck. As we reached the alter I had to pick between 4 screens, I picked the 2nd one which displayed a random video message, whilst this was happening another girl took a photo of me and started arguing, she punched my dad and I got angry and punched her head and knocked her out. I went to go out of the church and told the guy I wouldn't say anything but was happy. I went back to the car and got a message on my phone in Chinese but when I opened it, it said where can I find a rabbi?

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