Understand My Dreams

Dreams market

I was at the beach with Stella my friend, I ended being with three homeless peope, we were smoking crack and taking pills. I tried making out with this really hot guy but I gave up and started making out with my friend. I ended up at the flea market at this ladys table and she started talking to me about something. I was supposed to leave and then It started raining through the roof and then my mom showed up and we walked home and on the Way home I saw a treehouse with just the stairs but with no house.

I was at a supermarket and I lost my little sister while going up and down the aisles. I then mistook a Japanese zen monk as my sister and tried to pull her along back to the cart. She pulled away and walked away. I then went back to get her and she put me in some type of hold and started putting pressure on my arm. When I went to get her again she did some kind of crazy fighting move then hit me in the chest and I went hurling into an aisle. When I stopped sliding I looked up and grinned.

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