Buying fresh vegetables and food stuffs in a market
Drinking all the beer in the market with my wife and were chased by the store clerk
I was at the beach with Stella my friend, I ended being with three homeless peope, we were smoking crack and taking pills. I tried making out with this really hot guy but I gave up and started making out with my friend. I ended up at the flea market at this ladys table and she started talking to me about something. I was supposed to leave and then It started raining through the roof and then my mom showed up and we walked home and on the Way home I saw a treehouse with just the stairs but with no house.
I dream of picking palm big that it fillield a big bag ready for market
I dream of gathering palm big that it fillield a basket ready for market
Palm nuts, I had a dream I saw some Palm nut in a market and was offered some and I was eating a big fat one which I picked out. Trying to prepare serveral as whn I was a child to eat it, which was my favorite way to eat them.
Two makers of shapewear, Wacoal and Norm Thompson, to stop marketing slimming garments with caffeine in the material. Claims that the caffeine will cut inches from your waist and smooth out cellulite are not true.
Nike Lebron E.E
There was a robbery at a market where i went to buy things. One of d female robbers recornizes me and said therefore i will be shot dead,but on d process of taking me to where to shoot me, market people started chasing the robbers so the female robber left me and ran for safety and i was not shot again. I then woke up.
I was at a supermarket and I lost my little sister while going up and down the aisles. I then mistook a Japanese zen monk as my sister and tried to pull her along back to the cart. She pulled away and walked away. I then went back to get her and she put me in some type of hold and started putting pressure on my arm. When I went to get her again she did some kind of crazy fighting move then hit me in the chest and I went hurling into an aisle. When I stopped sliding I looked up and grinned.
I dream of gathering palm nuts its so big that it fillield one basket ready for market