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Dreams loom

Found 85 dreams containing loom - Page 8

Explore a collection of the latest dreams shared by our community. Discover common themes, intriguing narratives, and unique symbolism. From vivid adventures to thought-provoking scenarios, these recent dreams offer a glimpse into the subconscious mind and may even spark insights into your own dream world. Browse the "Latest Dreams" to find inspiration, connect with others, and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of dreams.

It started off with me in my sculpture class in highschool (freshman year like i am now) and this lesbian girl was yelling at another girl saying something like "You don't actually like me, you just like me because you think i'm hot.. your friends told me" So the bell rang and i was walking down the hall and the lesbian girl (Courtney) she purposely pushed me next to a wall with her shoulder (shoulder to shoulder) she just kept looking forward down the hall while people passed us. I looked up at her and started smiling, I was just taking in how beautiful she is. She looked down at me in the corner of her eye and smirked. The scene setting transformed into a game room and we had to get into this car to play the game, I got in the car (for some weird reason (Big fan) marilyn manson was briefly shown sitting next to someone but the game instructor said that there wasn't enough room so he left while laughing) So Courtney sat next to me and she transformed into this really cute blonde girl with short hair and light colored layered clothes, she was pale with dazzling blue eyes and a beautiful smile with straight white teeth. The setting transformed to the front stair steps of my house. The girl was standing beside me and i was blushing because i really liked her, she got close to my ear and said "Are you confused on love and who you are?" then she transported to the top stair leading to the open door to my house "Or is it a Lesbian love?" she said the words exaggerated and laughed with her cute smile and transported over to me with her arms around my neck and she looked into my eyes and closed them and then moved in to kiss me. I felt her soft lips on mine and my heart just fluttered. My mom showed up in the door looking at me with a weird look (she doesn't know i'm lesbian in real life) but before my mom could see anything the girl transported a few feet away, acting as if she was just a casual friend. and for some reason my ex- best friend showed up next to her acting as if she was my friend again and was smiling at me. My mom went back inside the house and (the blonde, i'll call her Missy) Missy transported right back to me and hugged me tight around my waist and kissed me again and said "if your mom ever pops back out like that then, just blow me a kiss instead to show me that you still love me" and then she demonstrated and i blew a kiss at her and my ex-best friend. My mom popped back out again with a disapproving look but she had no idea what she was suppose to be disapproving of since Missy transported a few feet away again. I blew Missy a kiss when my mom wasn't looking directly at me. It started snowing lightly and my mom went back in the house and i went back to Missy to kiss her again willingly and we both looked at each other. She looked at me with such love in her eyes while smiling. All of a sudden we transported under water where she gave me two cactus cores (if that is even a thing) and told me to plant them in the ground to see the difference in them when they grow. both the cactuses grew quickly (We weren't even wearing scuba outfits , we were just standing underwater and breathing normally without any special aid of a safety devices) One cactus had flowers all over it and the other was just a plain cactus. She said that in order for the cactus to bloom it's flowers we had to "jutt at it" .... basically we had to hump it LOL it was weird. I'm sure it was saying something like 'to make the flowers bloom you must act like you are having sex with the cactus so that it lets the flowers open and bloom.' i don't know i was really weird. So after that i saw a huge black wavy force push me closer to the cactuses and the needles of the cactuses were hurting me so bad that... I woke up (BEFORE that, underwater... pass the cactuses i saw a duck under water just standing there... and it was pale ish tan... one solid color... it kind of just looked like a small statue) (also there were some old pictures that showed up in the dream that i kind of recognized of myself and other people i know. And in one part if the dream i was back in 5th grade in my science class sitting there and saw different students around me that i didn't know. and MY fifth grade teacher was teaching and no one raised their hand to answer questions even though the teacher pleaded "come on guys, you know this stuff" she seemed nicer than she did when i was in her class (5th grade science) but for some reason i had my 7th grade schedule.)

A couple of nights ago, I had a vivid dream, in colour. In my dream I was at the beach. Unlike the typical sunny day where you and your family would think to head to a beach, the day was gloomy, dark and looked like it might rain. I went to go swimming but after I got in the water I realized I had forgotten my bathing suit and was still wearing jeans. I tried to walk out of the water but it felt like my feet had bricks tied to them and I couldn’t move. Just then, the water started rising, almost reaching my face. I couldn’t escape though because my feet felt so heavy. I saw someone walking on the beach, like a life guard, and I tried to get their attention by yelling at them. The life guard looked like someone I recognized but I couldn’t put a name to it. They looked in my direction and walked out but didn’t try to save me; instead they ignored me and walked away. The water started to rise over my head again and I couldn’t yell no more and that’s when I woke up.

I had a dream I was in this huge castle, with a courtyard and all the works. I was somebody important there, and I had guests. One girl, with dark, was after me. I ran up a tower that opened to the sky with the intent to fly away. When I got to the ledge, I realized that I couldn't fly, and I almost fell. I ran back down the stairs and confronted the girl. I took an heirloom necklace that she had apparently taken from me, and strangled her with it. I killed her.

I dreamt that we were at mom's house visiting, the couches were all re aranged, the room was very empty but I went to visit Cookie and she was sort of Happy, and had a neon green and neon orange bandana on her neck. She rolled over to give me her belly to rub but there was a HUGE cut on it, almost like a stab wound. I immediately stood up and screamed at my mom "WHY DIDN'T YOU TAKE HER TO THE VET?!" and she looked sadly at the ground and just said "I didn't have the money". It made me furious because she knows I would have dropped everything to be there in a heartbeat. Somehow she bolts outside and the rotten algea infested water in the pool and its rippling, like it's boiling (like it does when in a hurricane or torrential downpour) but it was cold and gloomy and awful and Cookie just jumps in. I'm horrified and jump in after her, when as soon as I submerge my head I see that she's on the floor of the pool almost completely having given up. I try to shout her name under water, which alerts her to me being there, then she looks as though she wants to come up and 'save me' but cant. I try to submerge myself again but my purse is on the level ground around my neck so I have to fight it off to let me go under. I can see her slowly drowning at the bottom of the pool and for some reason I absolutely cannot go under the water to save her, I can sink enough. Then Tim woke me up.

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