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Dreams load

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Explore a collection of the latest dreams shared by our community. Discover common themes, intriguing narratives, and unique symbolism. From vivid adventures to thought-provoking scenarios, these recent dreams offer a glimpse into the subconscious mind and may even spark insights into your own dream world. Browse the "Latest Dreams" to find inspiration, connect with others, and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of dreams.

While my family was moving, and loading up the moving truck. the front door was open and my dog ran away. my nanny (at the time) chased after my dog on foot, leaving her car behind. my youngest brother (who is 6) got into the driver's seat of our nanny's car. and me and my (7 year old) sister got into the back seat of the car with five or six boxes of brownies, I had the same amount of brownie boxes, (i was 8 1/2) and i sat in the back with my sis. my brother started driving but wasn't looking at the road, instead he looked at a nascar video game that was hoked up the the steering wheel, and gas pedals. in the games he was crashing and driving very poorly. but in real life all the turns were prefect. eventually I got so freaked out and made my brother stop the car. he did, i got out and ran past a playground to my best friends house but the door was being blocked by my cousin's cousin. and my best friend's dad was doing the dishes. then i woke up

So first I was in an abandoned warehouse, with a bunch of strangers. not feeling left out or in any way that I wasnt supposed to be there. I had sex with a stranger and it was passionate. After this happened, my dream jumps to my fathers house where i grew up. I was in the yard and saw my fathers truck (from back when i was a child, which he no longer has) hooked up to Two different trailers. These trailers were filled with construction material. The truck was also running. Almost felt as if I had come home from a "party" and seeing my dads truck running, I felt as if I should have been home to help him load up the truck and trailers. So i went inside the house. Walked up to his bedroom, and inside i found him laying with 3 other GUYS in his bed. MY DAD IS NOT GAY! He wakes up, along with the other men, and he looks surprised but happy... he asks "What happened last night?" I replied, I dont know, I was going to ask you the same thing! He then tells me he got his 3rd DUI and he was smiling about it. Then I walk out on the balcony and am frantic trying to figure out what happened to my dad the night prior. Looking out to the yard I see a bunch of people leaving the house. The neighbors are at the end of their driveway looking up at dads house shaking their head in disapproval. Then, after freaking out and punching dents into a van, someone tells me my dog got hit last night by a car, and it died. WHAT THE HELL DOES ALL THIS MEAN?

While my family was moving, and loading up the moving truck. the front door was open and my dog ranaway. my nanny (at the time) chased after my dog, leaving her car behind. my youngest brother (who is 6) got into the driver's seat of our nanny's car. and me and my (7 year old) sister got into the back seat of the car with five or six boxes of brownies, I had the same amount of brownie boxes, (i was 8 1/2) and i sat in the back with my sis. my brother started driving but wasn't looking at the road, instead he looked at a nascar video game that was hoked up the the steering wheel, and gas pedals. in the games he was crashing and driving very poorly. but in real life all the turns were prefect. eventually I got so freaked out and made my brother stop the car. he did, i got out and ran past a playground to my best friends house but the door was being blocked by my cousin's cousin. and my best friend's dad was doing the dishes. then i woke up

I dreamed that I was in my father's old business. I was walking up the stairs from the basement and was carrying a load of laundry on the stairs. I did not stop to pick up the laundry. I left the laundry on the stairs. As I came up the stairs, my brother tried to push me down the stairs. I did not allow he. I walked through the door into the store. My brother was standing on my right side and he was dressed in black. He yelled at me to get out of his store. I looked to my right and saw my dad's friend who died smiling and was very happy. I saw my mother who died, looking at me with a bitter sweet smile on her face. She was wearing a rose coloured blouse and a black skirt. I saw my dad on the other side of the store. He was happy and whistling and selling a lady something. I looked at my mother and asked her why? I started crying and I woke up.

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