Understand My Dreams

Dreams lice

It was very long, I was a part of a sort of wedding or celebration. But then me and my friends were no longer welcome. An older man, around his 50’s, was helping me. He was charming and showing me around the mansion as he was helping me escape. But there were large glass windows everywhere so outside guests saw us. I was in a white gown and he told me to run. As I was running down the stairs a strange man grabbed my arm and I couldn’t fight him off until my friends came back and helped me. I under up gagging him until he let go. Me and four other girls escaped the house and the police were waiting outside. Then we heard singing, and we knew the song and began running to a shire that was designed for Hecate. We had to stop the water flow by blocking it with rocks to be able to hear her speak. Then the whole shrine was filled with all sorts of people and hecate was talking to them. There was no physical figure, just a voice. And then I said I wanted the girls from the house to go up as a group and speak to her. We went up, holding hands, and each girl was given a symbol. One girl was the moon, one the sun, and earth. And another one was light or something. But I wasn’t given a symbol. I was told there was none left. I was devastated. I was a part of the traumatic experience that the other girls in the house were a part of, but I was not talked to. The crowd began shouting, wolf , wolf , wolf! As if telling Hecate that there was one more symbol to give and that wolf could be given to me. But she disagreed and I stepped off the shrine. I woke up with tears in my eyes.

The beginning started in a flash. The time period flashed back to the early ’50s and I was with my friends at a sock hop. Although it wasn’t actually the ‘50s, we were at a school dance and that was the theme. I was dressed in a poodle skirt, sam was in dark wash jeans, a white tee-shirt, and Chuck Taylors. Haley, Mary, and Tom were dressed similarly but in dull colors, while Sam and I were in brighter colors. While we were all dancing and having a good time, when my favorite song came on I ran to Sam and told him he had to dance with me and of course, he said yes. As we were dancing it felt as if time stood still. After that song, the colors in the room got brighter, and the music became more clear. The night continued on in a swirl of enchanted highschool romance as we danced the night away having the time of our lives until we were brutally interrupted. A past boyfriend showed up. He was wearing all black and carrying a gun. After threatening to shoot up the school, Sam tackled him, got the gun away from him and had him pinned to the floor in time for the police to come in and take him away. Mary asked if I was alright, after both of us witnessing the whole thing, as Tom went to Sam to make sure he wasn’t hurt. To complete the night, we went home to my house and told my mom the contents of the night as we drank black coffee, and ate crepes.

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