My ex = husband keeps appearing in my dreams, he leaves his present wife and wants to return to me. May 08, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
Tulsi leaves in cousin giving me fresh tulsi leaves and says make tea with it and give your mother for her treatment.its best remedy for bp April 18, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in the kitchen with people I guess I knew very well but did not recognize any of them There was an older woman with short hair and she was not upset or sad or anything but just said she was done. I did not recognize her but she knew me. She knew I was behind her. I pick up a knife and I tried to stab her in her lower back. The knife bent like it was made of rubber, the girl standing in front of her stabbed her and then I did and I felt the knife go in. She looked at me and she was aware of it but not upset and she really was not bleeding at all. Then she looked at her right thumb and kept staring at it. Both of her thumbs became tubes and branches and leaves started to sprout out from her thumbs on both sides. I left the room. When I went back in there, one of the guys was sitting on the floor and there were many small trees in pots on the floor, they were beautiful and colorful and we put them outside. All of the plants became one big beautiful tree, prettier than anything I ever saw. March 11, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
What does it means when your boyfriend suddenly leaves you with no reason and then someone unknown comes along and explains to you why it's happening by referring that people are jealous of my life March 09, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
When I was younger, I constantly had dreams of being a Arch Angel sent to Earth by God. My task was to do something on Earth but the moment I went to Earth I forgot what I was suppose to do. I couldn't go back unless I did my task. So there I stayed on Earth for the rest of my existence. I lived the life of a human, wearing large coats to hide my wings, stealing food to survive. I looked like I didn't have a bath in a long time. I lived in a hold abandoned home high up in the mountains away from other people. A few years later I was found out by the humans, local media everywhere, scientists captured me, probed me, shoved tubs up inside of me, trimmed my flight feathers so i couldn't fly away, put a tub down my throat as a breathing tube, while I was submerged in a tank full of water as I slept. A month past as my feathers had grown back. Some how I managed to get out of the tank and pull away from all the tubs and needles that they had inside of me. I was naked and didn't have any clothes to wear but I needed to get out of that horrible place that I was in. I managed to get out but they were firing guns at me as I climbed out a window. I flew away as fast as I could. They were still firing there guns at me but I managed to escape. Once I had escaped I found a beautiful realm of some kind. The building was white, bright, with tall pillars. There were beds and cribs everywhere for the children that had passed away. I was standing there in a white dress and gold bracelets on. The kinds were all laughing and smiling, horses running around. It was like paradise, with nothing to worry about. Then all my dreams stopped. Few years later I had the same dream of this paradise world, but it was not the same. Not a sound from the children playing, not a sound from horses, and babies. The only sound that was heard was the wind. Dead, dried up leaves blew in and out of the room in and outside. Dust was collected on everything that I touched. It had been empty for so long. It was dark, miserable, and lonely for so long, it was as if no one ever lived here. January 08, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
I'm at a party at my house and the boy I have a crush on staring at me all night. He finally comes up to me picks me up and starts to dance with me. He told me that he wants to be with me and we have a long conversation after that. When he leaves one of my friends tells me that everyone in the party is texting about me to other people and I get upset. The boy have a crush on Seshan calms me down and he tells me not really about them. May 08, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
In the woods in my neighborhood on a straight path. it was fall and i was running through crunchy leaves when a bear started to chase me. way down the path I would see a light far away but I could never make it to it May 01, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
I had a dream that my crush was my boyfriend and he gave me delicious green and blue frosted cookies shaped like hearts and leaves in a ziploc bag. Then we went to someone's house, I'm not sure whose house it was but then we watched The Unbkeakable Kimmy Schmidt on Netfix. I fell asleep and he woke me up. This next part of my dream doesn't really make sense, but I went to this medicine store every week. And each time I went, I contemplated about whether or not I should get this pill that makes you pregnant. Part of me really wanted to take it but then I knew that my family wouldn't be too happy about it. Then I thought about just lying to them by saying that I took it on accident. Eventually I took the pill and I felt really nervous about it, and I was hoping it wouldn't work. Weeks went by and I started to notice I was getting a baby bump. Sadly, that is when I woke up. April 23, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
Someone deceased comes to talk to me and then leaves before they do. December 27, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis