Missing my flight
I was a flight attendant, but the plane was like bus but only picking up passengers! My dad was the pilot (he left this coil 9 years ago)!!!
Swimming through the ocean with a group of friends. Very fast swimming and I was a good, strong swimmer. Saw a white dog struggling in the water. Also flew in the air, swooping down a flight of stairs and then soaring up right at the bottom!
Last minute decision to take a holiday. I have paid for flight though I have no money. i am catching an airplane flight and i am running late i am rushing to pack and trying to get to the airport on time to catch the flight. I make the flight on time, but only just.
I often see this one cat whenever I go to this one house in my dreams. This time I was running up the service stairs in a towel to put clothes on for a party that had already begun. I was in the bathroom on a flight of stairs and the cat came to get his belt rubbed and told me he has always been my companion
I was at the airport and missed my flight while looking for my boyfriend I then turned around and saw my father and he told me everything will be okay
I'm looking at a white owl flapping it's wings and hovering high in the sky. The white owl and I are making eye contact. There is a big tree between me and the white owl and there is a hawk sitting on one of it's branches. The hawk is looking at me, look at the white owl, because my eyes are staring at something in the sky above him. The hawk turns his head, looks back, and see's the white owl flapping his wings, hovering in the blue sky. I have a feeling of panic and anxiety. The hawk leaves the tree, flys up to the white owl to attack, kill, and eat him, but the white owl fly's off. The hawk chases him, and bites his foot off. I am running towards the fighting birds in flight. I see what is happening and I am trying to save the white owl from the hawk. I feel scared and powerless in the dream. After a short time the white owl gets away and is on the ground next to me. I am mending the white owls foot.The owl is going to be okay because I am there to protect him from the hawk. I feel responsible for the white owl, and I care for it deeply.
6th of Adar II, 5774 flight MH370 missing
I am catching an airplane flight and i am running late i am rushing to pack and trying to get to the airport on time to catch the flight