Understand My Dreams

Dreams curtains

I dreamed that we live in a nice condominium and there was a pool and my family and i jumped in it . afterwards i saw dirt . i saw curtains . my boyfriend 's family visiting my family for marriage there was a television there were a show about my boyfriend 's i don't remember then it was night raining cold and i ride a motorcycle with my mom to go to the church and i saw ther in the bench of the church inside the family of my boyfriend then my friend stand up and ask me why i am not wearing my gown then outside there were a parade of pilipinas wearing pilipino gown and some model lend me her's and then i took a shower it was open under and my gown was on the floor wet i got angry with my friend because she wet it . i saw a mirror.

I was in my bedroom and was woken up by gusty, strong, wild wind outside; trying to get in through the windows. The curtains were billowing like crazy, until I closed the window, but left them cracked. I saw my son sleeping on a couchbed in the living room, so he was safe. I then blacked out in my dream to awaken and see blood on the walls. It seemed I bumped my head and was bleeding. The blood splattered the walls. I was not in pain but I was confused. I then saw my parents, they tried blaming my boyfriend , saying he tried to kill me and then disappeared, had left. I told them that it was not possible, he'd never do that to me.

On Tue i had a dream....... you told me to watch out cuz there was a snake in the apt....... later i seen the snake in one of the bedroom's i tried to hit it with something but it was running away. So i hurried and grabbed it with my hands and it turned at looked at me and hissed and then my hands started burning..... i dropped it and looked at my hand and it was red and starting to blister i then looked at the snake and it looked like it was getting the shape of a humans face a gave me that know it all smile...... i then got some plastic and tried catching it and the plastic melted so i kept doing it over and over and over covering it with plastic all that time it was trying to slither away and i hot a more dense plastic the ones you can't see through and it was taking longer for that to melt and the snakes head turned and looked at me and got the form of a humans face and started laughing at me..... the whole time i was struggling to get the snake the wind was blowing with rain and i could see the red curtains almost flying with the wind.... when the snake make its transformation and began laughing i grabbed it and through it out the window as it fell it turned into a little person...... it was very wet out the ground was saturated with water and when i turned to my left there was a large puddle of water and in that water i seen gold fish and black fish with a hint of white these fish were flat..... they were swimming and glistening in the sun.... as the rain began to settle and just sprinkle the fish started jumping out and in the water........ and i woke up just after Carla asked me "do you like my shoes"

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