Walking through my house. Notice that we just finished remodeling another room. Walking towards the back of the house. in the back, the house was still under construction. the house was very big. had all wood framing but no walls. noticed stairway going to second floor. had a lot of unfinished bedrooms. walking away from house into yard. big lot size. walked toward house again. saw big garage away from house but also notice garage attached to house. floor didnt match up. thought if friends could see this house, they would think it was very big. walking down familiar street. heard planes above coming in to land. all of a sudden, they took a dive and crashed into ground. then another right after that , then another. thought of my deceased aunt. she had tickets to a sporting event from years ago that I went to. I held the tickets looking at the date. August 17, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
Dying in a hotel accident, but not knowing that you are dead until a TV reconstruction October 10, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
Walking through my house. Notice that we just finished remodeling another room. Walking towards the rear of the house. in the back, the house was still under construction. the house was very big. had all wood framing but no walls. noticed stairway going to second floor. had a lot of unfinished bedrooms. walking away from house into yard. big lot size. walked toward house again. saw big garage away from house but also notice garage attached to house. floor didnt match up. thought if friends could see this house, they would think it was very big. walking down familiar street. heard planes above coming in to land. all of a sudden, they took a dive and crashed into ground. then another right after that , then another. thought of my deceased aunt. she had tickets to a sporting event from years ago that I went to. I held the tickets looking at the date. August 17, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
House under construction with no walls, three planes crash violently into the ground near me, dead aunt giving me tickets to sporting event from long ago August 17, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I dream of my ex boyfriend ,that i saw him sitting on a bench,he did not saw me.Then i saw a house which is not yet built or there is a construction of that house.. June 17, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I got in the elevator at my work and it looked like it was under construction but I pressed the button to go up. The elevator started shaking and I thought I'm gonna fall. But then I realized that i made it and got where I wanted October 10, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis