Understand My Dreams

Dreams college

Dark, entirely dark. in a bed with a boy, naked perhaps, another comes in and interrupts, reading their text messages. invasive. i feel like im in love. later i find myself in a sort of library, a college perhaps, where many are gathered in the halls. I anxiously await to see him again, where is he? does he even go here? someone passes me a blue flier, some of the text is blackened, scribbled out, but i notice his name written on the paper, on the performance lineup. later gathered in the auditorium / theater, we find each other again, his arm around the back of my chair and silent awkward lovestruck glances at each other followed my nervous bubbly giggles. his big brown eyes.

I was sat on the floor outside where I used to go to college, it was a lovely hot sunny day and there were two guys across the road laughing about emojis on clothing, and a group of girls on my side of the road a few feet away laughing about the same idea, so I started shouting idea about what'd look good and came up with watermelon on ripped white jeans, and one of the girls thought it must have been the best idea ever because she came up and hugged me and invited me into their group. So when I got up and walked down they were smoking a couple joints between em, but they didn't offer me any yet. Anyways there's a bit of a gap between being there with the group of girls and waking up to see my finished tattoo. Which the tattooist had ruined, and I realised I'd probably been drugged, because the head and mane was okay, but the horn wasn't in its head, instead it looked like the head was attached to a walking cane and the horn was attached to the curved end but shaped like a butt plug!! And I had to live with it so I went back to my house and my sister was in the bedroom and the group of girls was just leaving, but they left me half a joint in the windowsill so I smoked it out the window, and as I put it out a green skull flashed before me and that was a symbol that I would have a nice high and not a bad one.

With my ex girlfriend we were going to college but when we got to the college it was a mall on the inside. Later we were at a party and everyone was drunk. She went to the bathroom and while I was waiting for her my friend was throwing up because she was so drunk. When she came back from the bathroom she was holding hands with her friend and I stopped talking to her when she confronted me she was saying it was nothing serious and then she said "isn't that your mom across the street?"

I'm 20 in college, I don't remember the first half of my dream but ill start from where I do. I was in this cage with a friend we were shackled by our arms laying in this basement jail looking area, some how fire caught on the wall from the paper my legs were free so I started to kick it till it all went away,some how I'm crying talking to my friend and I somehow send my mom a message on a laptop and says "help me plz come get me it goes blank then, I remember leaving in a five speed hatch. We were at some kind of school... I almost hit a truck omw out so were leaving me and some friend were are flying down this road as if the breaks aren't that good I keep it on the road till the last curve were I fly out the car and I see it fly off this hill. Some how my friend is on the balcony I climb up to check on him he goes inside this persons house I follow after I do I remember boo this is not my house so I run to the door and run out side, now I remember waking up with my mom in a car saying some man knocked me out so I get in the car and leave as I do I see a girl on the balcony just staring at me... It is night time probably very late . Then I end up in this huge building we are partying or something like that, I could feel alot of anger, frustration and annoyed . I see these people huge some small but scary looking not really human but the other half were . Then I fall with my head hurting and I hear my voice yelling and see images of evil maybe demonic people idk.. Then I fund my self at my house were in the kitchen five people three guys and two girls , my and my friend got in a argument , I told him ill kick his ass he was talking back so I slammed him I used to be a wrestler then we end up stopping and leaving each other alone.. There was more but that's all I remember

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