Understand My Dreams

Dreams chest

So in the actual world I had been talking with this guy I had never met over social media, anyways in the dream I went to yorkton to meet this guys and he's a Ukrainian dancer so I went to his studio and they all danced for me and then my friend and I were going to do our hip hop routine for them but then my friend kept logging into games and stuff instead of just playing our song and I started yelling at her and she just wasn't listening and then I finally yelled at her one more time and then I realized I was scaring the other dancers and I was apologizing and stuff but they all went running out and then I got really mad at my friend because I couldn't meet the guy. And then we went outside and this little boy walked up to me and said that my face was pretty. Then my friend went home to warman and I went to my grandparents house in duck lake and there was this weird guy there that studies skin and so he wanted to take some of our skin home and the adults wouldn't let him but then he was about to stab me in the chest with a knife but then my mom woke me up

I was sitting happily in a restraunt with my friend Chloe, but in the dream, she was my long lost twin sister. All of the sudden there were gunshots. The shooter was a young female. She attempted to shoot me but just barely missed. She began to un load her gun and drop all of the bullets on the floor. Then she started to sing a song about her brother and a shooting coming again and it not being her. Then I saw a billboard that said D. Thoe Dylan with a weird symbol on it. Soon I tried to get up back into my chair, and was surprised to see a young boy with a gun out. I quickly slid back under the table. But, he saw me. He crouched down to my level and said, "You will be first to die!" Then he shot at me and I screamed. But the bullet that landed on my chest wasnt a bullet, it was a lighter. There was one other bullet that hit me, it hit my arm. The wound on my arm look like this a cutter would inflict upon themselves. I then heard Chloe yelling at me, telling me to wake up, asking me to stay with her. Then the dream became blury, and I woke up.

Freshman prom dream I went with my brother and no other freshman was there every girl had on the same 3 dresses I didn't go dance I went to go eat something I picked up a half slice of pizza it had hair on the side and then the lunch lady brought me another slice and there was a lot more hair on it but I didn't eat it i sat in a room with this guy and he had one this like candy costume complete with teeth and hat and he was a senior. oran maybe? he was friendly and I snapchatted me and him it sent to Mary and one other person then I was out side on something tall I saw a white car on the next block it was chasing a dog on the street it shot at the dog twice but missed and then it shot twice again And hit his chest and his paw and he limped over to me and it died right in front of me

(disclaimer: this is descriptive but not like in a sexual way) So it started off with her and I laying down right and we were at my house but it was a completely different house than my actual house and I was on my laptop and the mouse wouldn't work and she was laying right beside me and I tried to get it to work but it wouldn't and I got frustrated and she was on her phone but saw me and realized I was frustrated then I looked at her and I put the mouse down and I put my right hand on her the outside of her inner thigh and I remember us looking at each other and then it all faded then next thing I knew, we were at school but Zoe didnt pop up in this part of the dream, it was just me walking around the school and the school looked super modern and futuristic it was cool. but anyways, I start off in the cafeteria and I get up and walk up the stairs and I had Jan but everything was tilted like shifted to the right, horizontal and such it was trippy, so I go to the stairs and walk up to meet up with Julianne(whom I actually have Geometry with) so we meet and she's with Cory and Julianne says that Jan needed a stupid pass and is really passive aggressive about it, and ranting about Jan, but I however, don't say anything, but laugh and we all walk down the hallway together, to where you may ask? I have no clue but we all walk away side by side and everything fades to black again. After everything fades black, and I guess a new part of the dream is awakened, so do I. The black deceases and I woke up, back at my bed, wearing this nice grey t-shirt, with Zoe laying on my chest, trying to fall asleep. I look down at her and she is smiling at me as she runs her fingertips across my neck and pulls me closer to her. She runs her hands over my face, over my lips, we kiss, she lays back down, continuing her motions with her fingertips across my neck and my chest and it fades to black yet again. The black clears and I am back at the futuristicly modern school sitting in the cafeteria talk with you, Shania and 2 other people whos faces I couldn't make out. We are sitting there, you guys are talking but everything in my head goes silent and all I think about is Zoe as throughout the entire dream there is this narration of my voice talking about how beautiful she is, how much I loved her, how much she meant to me, etc etc and this rings out the entire dream whenever I or other people in the dream are not speaking except for in this case when the people around me are. I record the words that I hear in my head eluding whatever it is you guys are saying, going practically deaf to the conversation you guys are having and I get up, with the notes in my phone open, the date reading "February 23, 2016, and I get up and walk away and all I can hear is the sound of my own voice narrating my passion for her. As I am about to walk out of the cafeteria, I am abstractly scorned by Ms. McKinney, our 7th grade math teacher, but I do not hear a single word she has said as she goes on and on, all I can think about is the words in my notes and of course, Zoe. Once the scolding is done, the narration pauses for me to say "Okay" but quickly resumes after my speech and I shuffle around Ms. McKinney and continue walking out of the cafeteria doors happy as can be. It fades to black and I wake up but refuse to move in order to retain the details of the dream and here we are now. One of the craziest parts by far was that I felt everything. Every little thing in the dream I actually felt. I remember clearly, pretty much it all: me touching Zoe's thigh and the texture of her jeans, how the phone felt in my hands, when she touched me and was caressing me as I felt asleep, I remember it all, even how she looked at me, it all felt real

Fighting in a dream with people i dont know. There is a large ogre like man who is there friend. As we are fighting he comes out of nowhere with a large stick to hit me but i turn it around and it stabs through his chest. After that happens everything calms down and me and the other guys i was fighting begin talking and apologizing, just as i'm about to leave, I shake one mans hand to say bye. Then the ogre looking man comes from behind him and pushes him out of the way. He picks me up by my throat and stabs me in the back, and i wake up

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