I was moving into a weird underground apartment with my mom. It was just few blocks away from where I live now. I remember being concerned about the amount of easy entry points it had from the street. Then later on my aunt and her friend showed up to take my mom and I to the fair so we could go rides. My aunt and her friend were dressed really weird and their hair was styled like they were in the 80’s. We couldn’t go because my mom couldn’t figure out what to wear. That was really annoying. December 08, 2020 > Read Dream Analysis
Last Sunday night I had a dream: My Aunt lie down on a coffin? November 24, 2020 > Read Dream Analysis
I’m with my family and we are trapped in a haunted house. As we make our way through, there are different rooms. In the first room, my mom goes missing. In the next room, my sister goes missing as well. And in the next, my dad. I fall to the floor crying. I don’t know what to do. The hallways start closing in and spikes soon poke out of them. I make it out and three ghosts meet me, but they’re only covered in white sheets. They pull off the sheets, and to my surprise it’s my family. They explain that this was a prank, and then I get upset at them. December 08, 2020 > Read Dream Analysis
Well i dreamt about my friends who betrayed me this week. I dreamt the guy had a lot of different girlfriend s and i met one that was "secret". I also made out with him at some point. The other one was just background character but somehow always there. I ended up going into some house with them and others like a temple house where we fought off some snakes and snuck around a beast. But at the exit a manticore appeared the face of a man with cat features, cat ears and fur lined face and body of a lion with a small mane. It went for the others and hid away behind some furniture. I hid behind some overturned chairs i was the last one. It was saying something to me idr what but it affected me. Maybe taunting me of something. It spotted me swiped twice at my hiding spot. I stood up holding a chair in front of me so scared. I picked up a broken chair leg and the next time it lunged, i lunged. I stabbed the leg into its neck as hard as i could and push it in a bit twisting it and we both fell back. It looked at me with anger and surprise and in a way like it was proud. Everyone was there but i left them. I escaped that place through a secret elevator with just one of the backstabbing friends. But i never felt right the entire dream. March 01, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
We were at a banquet and going to go to a funeral. My aunt said I could not go with them over there and would need to find my own way. No one would help. I heard my uncle say, she won’t help me because I am too stubborn. I later found out the funeral was moved back a day to give me more time to figure out how to get there. I felt frustrated and upset. (Unsupported) February 14, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis