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Dreams me in

Found 3,733 dreams containing me in - Page 70

Explore a collection of the latest dreams shared by our community. Discover common themes, intriguing narratives, and unique symbolism. From vivid adventures to thought-provoking scenarios, these recent dreams offer a glimpse into the subconscious mind and may even spark insights into your own dream world. Browse the "Latest Dreams" to find inspiration, connect with others, and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of dreams.

I was walking into class when I saw everyone sitting down, with the exception of two of my close male friends. Their names were Shashank and Collin, and they happened to be best friends. They were bickering back and forth about some girl that they both seemed to like. I was confused because what I knew was that Shashank liked a girl named Avery- who is not only gorgeous, but smart. As for Collin he liked my best friend Xochitl. The funny thing was that i also used to have crushes on them.The argument was heated. In fact, it was so heated that our counselor came in and told them to explain what was going on in their point of view. Collin and shashank both described in depth that they happened to like a certain girl in the classroom and they confessed their love for her, keeping her name anonymous. I thought it must've been that girl Yvonne that hung out with both Xochitl and Avery. But everyone started staring at me and I realized I was the girl they were fighting for.

I was being raped in the middle of the night on a light street. Calling out for help and no one would come, the man was laughing. he continued to say hurtful things and no one would hear me. i felt numb and was losing my voice. then later i reported him. as he was getting questioned i was hiding behind my friend the whole time grasping him close. as my attackers whole family came in and gave me death stares. My friend kept saying potive things and i just didnt want to let go.

I am trying to get away from someone in a car. I got out of a door at an amusement park become large there. Crush the car that became small. Move stairs to a door that makes me small again. Close the door because now people are trying to follow me in. I'm trying to lock The door looking for a key thev door doesn't lock it opens the top part which lets spirts into the house. I run and apologize to my grandma who is not my real life grandma because I remembered I had the dream before same ending.

I was at work and noticed that I had a hair coming out of my palm on both my left and right hand. After looking at it for a while I started pulling it on both hands and the hair just kept coming out till it was about 10 cm long. Then from my index finger on both hands what i can only describe as a expendable antenna came out of the tips of my finer piercing through the skin. I started to panic and ran to what I thought was the doctors but somehow ended up home. I was with my parent's and Sister and when i tried to show them the Antenna looking thing ( Which by the way was pure white like it was made from bone) had retracted and I had small holes in the tips of my index fingers on both hands. I was examining the hole and held it up to the light and when I did so it looked ad if there were small tentacle looking things trying to reach for the light . When I moved it away from the light they would retract ever so slightly ( these were tiny and again white ) After this the skin on my hand slowly started to part and I was panicking but everyone around me was still and seemed as if what was happening to me was normal. As the skins fell away it exposed what should have been bones and muscle ect... but instead it was like my hands were made of small living white vines is what I would describe them as in the shape of a hand and hat the palm of where I made should have been was what looked like a white blossoming flower... again this appeared to be alive. After staring at my hands for a while what looked like skin started to regrow over the top of them but not in a normal skin colour ... kind of yellowish green colour. This is when the first words were said to me in the dream in which my mum said that this is going to sting. At that I felt that my hands started to tingle but then she said but it will be worse for your head. At that I woke up. I've not been able to really stop thinking about this dream since I had it and its still very clear in my head. Curious to know what this means and any help would be appreciated. Many Thanks

In a group of friends when one of the friends got a message to say there was another group after us all we all ran in different directions when i got back to my friends house i waited for her daughter to come in before locking the front door. there was a knock at the door so before i answered it i looked to see who it was i thought i recognised the person but still put the chain on the door. when i opened the door there were two angry men with a snarling dog the one man was shouting questions at me

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