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Dreams me in

Found 3,733 dreams containing me in - Page 68

Explore a collection of the latest dreams shared by our community. Discover common themes, intriguing narratives, and unique symbolism. From vivid adventures to thought-provoking scenarios, these recent dreams offer a glimpse into the subconscious mind and may even spark insights into your own dream world. Browse the "Latest Dreams" to find inspiration, connect with others, and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of dreams.

I was at school and a teacher purchased me liquor. She left it behind her car and told me to bring it to the front of the school. As I did I was rushed by administrators saying I could not have liquor on the property. Instead of going to the office to be expelled I started walking home. On the way down the hill two acquaintances asked if I wanted a ride. In the back seat say my first love. He is deceased and was now alive. He said he never died, he just went away for a few years to get things together. He held me in his arms and stroked my hair and kissed my forehead and said I'm sorry for not telling you I was leaving. I love you.

My dream was in Japan I think . It was like a movie somehow . I was living with some Japanese people . My brother was playing with his friend . Then someone told me to go pick him up . From the balcony could I see a guy walking . I knew him but he had killer eyes. I went down to go get my brother but on tye streets I feelt like someone was watching me . When I get to the door where my brothers friend live I can se the street door is open . A woman and a man follow me in . I get to the elevator and they go in with me . Then the man puts his fingers on all the bottoms. And he say . You are going to die tonight . Then they get out the elevator at see a old woman running down the stairs . They jump on her and kill her . I get scared so i run down and away from it all . I knew that all the people in the building were dead . So i get down and try to ride in a car shop / garage . Someone is after me . I get so scared . Then I see and I can feel they are coming after me . I see out of the door . The man who owns the shop is laughin like something evil is inside him . It feels like all the evil people are demons . Then I see two men going up the stairs with to women fighting for their lives . One of them will get married against her will . Then I woke up from the dream

It was like a world war in the area where we were hold they say we must sleep I couldn't sleep they wanted to inject me in my neck but I manage to escape with all the people that was there then I went my own way to a house with a young woman to ask for hiding, she puts me in this room with white lace curtains that was short from the window that neighboure could see me , while I was there some young man came and said oh you are hiding here I said yes he says I won't say anything because they are looking for you the most they they you are the strongest among us. Then 1 woman a neighboure for this woman who hide me she look at me and she was not happy to see me there

It was a world war and where we were held to sleep and be quiet, but then I couldn't sleep then the commander orders his worker to inject me in my neck but I manage to escape, while we were all running I saw a house with a woman and her friend I ask to hide. She put me in this house where the curtains where all lace curtains and shorter from the windows and every1 could see me, and 1 of the boys saw me then came in and say oh you are hiding here I won't tell any1 but then I was scared I went out ran again trying to hide

I was working at a daycare, but not my usual one, one I was filling in for. It was almost in a summer camp type setting. I was filling in for different lunch breaks, nothing particularly memorable going on. I was walking across the dirt parking lot after just talking with boss and a car was slowly approaching from the driveway entrance. There was a Muslim lady driving a dark brown Sudan, she also worked at the center. She looked to the right before entering the parking lot. I saw a child walking /running freely as if it were a summer camp and kids were roaming free run from somewhere and was to the left of the car. I put my arm up to point at the girl and yell at both to be careful, make sure they were aware of each other , but I could get my breath out in time and lady turned left running over the child. It was almost as if she got sucked under. I ran over, people had gathered , the Muslim/nikab wearing women was asking what to do, like back up and expose child or leave the car on top. I wasn't able to give an opinion before the lady backed the car up. I ran closer to the child and others did too. I wanted to help I yelled out to call 911 but they reached her before me and I said I'd call 911 and told them to help her.( I wanted to take charge, but backed down ) I run and I can't remember what I used to dial but when I'd dialled 911the numbers kept changing after I'd raise the device to my ear. Wasn't able to. I tried my cell and a computer. Eventually so frustrated I decided to run to a business of sorts where a male acquaintance was. He was an ex firefighter . As I ran over the driveway turned to stairs and the child laid motionless on the steps a couple sand toys near by. I asked an adult passerbyer why I they moved her body. They didn't know. No one was helping her but my mission was 911 so it didn't occur to me. Ran to this guys house..was really scared and anxious trying to explain I needed to call 911. He was helping someone when I got there I waited 2-3 seconds then interrupted , at first he got angry as if I was being rude, then was annoyed I didn't come in screaming a instead of waiting 2-3seconds to interrupt . He dials 911 for me and hands me the phone, I explain what happen and hang up. I feel emotionally exhausted at this point break down crying and keep going over images for this kid being run over. Venting to this ex- fireman. I do at this point realize that no one was with her on the steps and think I should have stayed to help and got someone else to call 911. I stay a little while ranting and crying while the man tries to consol me... As I head back to the daycare center I wonder if I should talke the Ativan from my purse. I worried I look too relaxed if I do and people will think I'm cold, but if I don't, I am having a hard time managing myself right now. I didn't make a decision, but I made it back to work and woke up.

Dad tries to attack me but i defend myself by push kicking him away very softly, Then he talks about martial arts then tries to hit me again. I block every strike showing him that i could have hurt him with strike of my own but I don't hit him. then he grabs some plastic and says how about a knife attack at this stage im naked, im wondering why im naked, then he attacks me i block the knife attack but dad pulls me back grabs the knife in his other hand and pretends to stab me in the back. I mention that he stabbed me with the handle of the knife so then he turns it around and pretends to stab me with the point of the knife. Then I'm lying on a table and i see a big black and yellow spider on the beam above me. the spider connects his web to the beam then lowers himself down towards me, I try to move but i cant seem to, i call to my dad that there is a spider but he cant hear me. the spider lands on the table by my right arm pit then climbs up on me and just stands there looking at me.

In a run from a war , then get held by the war people they want us to sleep me alone I could not sleep then they wanted to inject me in my left side of the neck but I escape then with all the crew but on the run I ask to hide to this house where the young woman hided me in a room where the curtains are lace and white but shorter than the windows, and 1 of the guys found me but him also was on the run then said no I won't hide with you because you are the 1 they want. Then he left . Now the old lady came who is the neighboure and look at me with ugly eyes but not talking. When I look at her I know her but I don't know from where.

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