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Dreams me in

Found 3,733 dreams containing me in - Page 67

Explore a collection of the latest dreams shared by our community. Discover common themes, intriguing narratives, and unique symbolism. From vivid adventures to thought-provoking scenarios, these recent dreams offer a glimpse into the subconscious mind and may even spark insights into your own dream world. Browse the "Latest Dreams" to find inspiration, connect with others, and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of dreams.

I had a dream that a man that I had never met before came into my house with food, and when he set it down on the table, he picked up a knife and started walking towards me. I grabbed and ax that was near the fire place for self defense and he was threatening to kill me. So I began to swing at him each time he tried to get closer and that happened until he ended up dying. I ran upstairs and started to tell my family to pack a bag because we needed to get away because I had a feeling some of his family would try to look for him and they knew that he was my dad's client.

I was hanging out with my friend who was married. And I ended up in a room with one of his twin sons who was crying, assisting to help soothe the baby. While I was rocking the baby in my arms his wife came into the room while rocking the other twin baby in her arm began to yell at me to leave. She went out yelling bout how I know what I did and I should go. He stood there quietly for a minute before he told me we should go for a walk. She then followed us out screaming and yelling at the top of her voice.

I was in a movie theater to see a movie with my friend but they were charging us inside. I couldn't pay so I decided to leave since I already seen it, but my friend hasn't seen it. I spotted some other friends inside and made him seat with them and I left. Then I was somewhere else and I had to walk a very far road but it didn't seem far at the end. Last I was in my room with some friends and I opened the door to find a baby wearing a diaper by himself I thought he wasn't going to come to the house buy he walked and came inside. He was funny looking and he wanted to bite people as he was developing little teeth. Then inside the house another baby showed up and it was not human , it was an alien baby with big black eyes. I woke up after that

I had a dream this guy im talking to ex girlfriend punched me in my face twice and it didnt hurt at all. we fought and then the next thing i remember he was kissing me in front of her at my house and then she told me secretly that shes really my friend and then more people came to my house including one of my ex boyfriend s. we were all drinking and next thing i know i went inside to fix my makeup i went outside to the backyard and everyone was gone including the guy i was talking to. he left without saying goodbye so i texted him and said "you left?" and he said "yes why?"

I was at my church and I didn't know anyone that was there. It seemed to be medieval times and there was a man there named Mohinder. I immediately became friends with him and he became like a father to me, except that he was no older then 30. I ran around in circles around my church, leaping over hedges and being wild and crazy, then I cam inside a gave him a hug. I remember everything clearly. The musty smell of her shirt and the fresh clean scent of his cologne, the rough feeling of the material, and how strong and yet gentile that his arms felt when they wrapped around me, and the rumble of his chest when he spoke, asking me what I had being doing… I can even hear his soft heartbeat and feel his chin on my head One day there was a commotion at the lake outside the building. Everyone was confused and didn't know what was in the lake. I looked in and saw that it was a giant fist, I could see the ripples around the lake. One fat boy fell in and was eaten. I was scared, but then I felt Mohinder's arms around me and I was comforted. He was holding me on the shore, making sure I didn't fall in. But as the people around us started to panic, it felt like he was holding me tighter and i felt like I might fall. I broke away and ran quickly to my room, ignoring him when he called me back. I stayed in my room for hours until he came and knocked on my door. He explained that he was holding me tighter because he was afraid that the people might start to push us. and it felt like we were falling because I was panicking. I apologized and we continued with life. A while later I was in a pretty white flowered dress, sitting on two rocks that were call the keys. (The locks the the big pile of rocks with two holes in them, and they keys were the little piles that looked at if they would fit into the holes.) I was sitting and drawing and he told me I looked beautiful sitting like that. I was embarrass and I tried to get down, but he told me not to move. “No!” He said. “Just be still… you are beautiful.” It was a while later where knights came to our church. They wanted to go on a ride to check up on some villages where orcs were making trouble. Mohinder let me go with him and the knights, but some of the others were doubtful that I could be of much help and they didn't want me to come. I went anyways. ON the way there, I fell behind and was kidnapped by some slave traders. They traded me to a man who needed help with his merchants cart. I was ordered to be silent, or I would die. Mohinder came and was buying something from the merchant when he saw me, he was startled and tears came into his eyes. But he whispered. “You are beautiful.” even though I was in rags. Then he drew his sword and saved me. I think woke up.

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