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Dreams me in

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My dream last night was horrid… It gave me an explanation of why some people barely talk to me and tend to avoid me now. Even sending me false texts that I thought were real. Emily send me a text saying hey, I refused to respond given how little she responds to me, my subconscious actions are sometimes cruel. Then Matias showed me something horrible… Something really depressing to myself. One of my past favorite friends of the past, Jonathan, simply rejected me because he felt I was annoying, a loser, someone who just made him look bad. Mattias brought me to multiple scenes where he expressed this idea into why I could not be invited to hangout with them after classes. In the last event he could see me simply because I wished it to be true. He looked at me in disgust and told me I was a loser and to get away. I don’t know how I feel about this. Afterwards I left without saying a ward, fistbumped Mattias my thanks (alongside nodding thank you) and left. Later on I was in a rush to get away from something or someone so I hid in my mind’s version of Ryan’s house (we were also being yelled at by the school’s security guard along the way since he knew we didn’t live in these buildings). For some reason as well Meghan was there (she had her own room). I slept in a separate room alongside my dad while Kaitlin slept in Meagan’s room (for some reason my dad gave the suggestion if I wanted to sleep in her room, I had declined with “No! That’s weird”). Later me and Kaitlin were setting up a game of chess along a beautiful background of the seaside (the ocean wasn’t present next to the house before this scene).

My mom had kicked me out the house with my 1 year old son. This nice man I feel I love with took me in. All of a sudden we were locked up in a classroom and everyone was trying to kill me. Everyone had knives. I kept kissing me lover I never been so grateful to have him. I kept trying to escape the game where I had to kill other people or they would kill me . But when I did they called me the enimmie and they came after me. My lover was working on music for me at a desk. Everyone seemed to hate me but him. I felt trapped I didn't know where to hide. They kept finding me wanting to kill me

In my dream I dreamed about a family that was struggling and then another family came to help but they were of bad things so the family that was struggling struggled more and then another family came and it killed everyone after that another family came and it was even worse than the bad family that came before my father was apart of that family but in real life in my dream my dad could control his self from being bad and wanting to kill my dream skipped and a very tall thing in form of a man walked in my room it has no face and it was covered in vintage symbols With a black hood over its head in my dream the thing was my father and it came and sat on my bed beside me I wasn't scared at all I was calm because in the dream I was talking to my father I was asking him if my dream I had in my dream was true and it told me yes and was telling me how it could control its self out of no where it started shaking as if it was loosing control and it wanted to kill me the thing was my father one minute he wanted to kill me and then the next he was calm and normal he would chase me and he would be a black shadow in his form I remember running down the street and looking back at my dad to make sure he wouldn't turn into the shadow that would chase me and kill me when I looked back again my dad was gone and I panicked it got immediately dark and I lost where I was at I saw some kids come from out of a cut so I decided to run where they came from I went and once I got around the corner I saw nothing but water so I decided to to turn back around once I turn around the entire setting changes it was an alley way with tall trees on the side once I turned the corner the shadow was running for me I screamed and panicked I had no where to go it ran right past me and hit the wall I looked down at it and saw that it was my dad he was shaking as if he was having a stroke I looked up and ran out of the alley way once I got out I was surrounded by sand and I saw a deck and water once I got out of the alley the shadow was coming for me again it tackled me in the water and began to choke me I saw that it was my dad and I yelled I hate you when I did he stopped and we rose to the top of the lake and he wasn't facing me I yelled again I hate you and he turned around and choke me again we sunk to the bottom of the lake and I yelled I hate you over in over I began to breath in the water and my arms were floating up I died and when I did my arms slammed against the ocean floor

My dream last noght was horrid… It gave me an explanation of why some people barely talk to me andtend to avoid me now. Even sending me false texts that I though were real. Emily send me a text saying hey, I refused to respond given how little she responds to me, my subconcius actions are sometimes cruel. Then Matias showed me something horrible… Something really depressing to myself. One of my past favorite friends of the past, Jonathan, simply rejected me because he felt I was annoying, a loser, someone who just made him look bad. Mattias brought me to multiple scenes where he expressed this idea into why I could not be invited to hangout with them after classes. In the last event he could see me simply because I wished it to be true. He looked at me in disgust and told me I was a loser and to get away. I don’t know how I feel about this. Afterwards I left without saying a ward, fistbumped Mattias my thanks (alongside nodding thank you) and left. Later on I was in a rush to get away from something or someone so I hid in my mind’s version of Ryan’s house (we were also being yelled at by the school’s security guard along the way since he knew we didn’t live in these buildings). For some reason as well Meghan was there (she had her own room). I slept in a separate room alongside my dad while Kaitlin slept in Meagan’s room (for some reason my dad gave the suggestion if I wanted to sleep in her room, I had declined with “No! That’s weird”). Later me and Kaitlin were setting up a game of chess along a beautiful background of the seaside (the ocean wasn’t present next to the house before this scene).

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