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Dreams me in

Found 3,733 dreams containing me in - Page 62

Explore a collection of the latest dreams shared by our community. Discover common themes, intriguing narratives, and unique symbolism. From vivid adventures to thought-provoking scenarios, these recent dreams offer a glimpse into the subconscious mind and may even spark insights into your own dream world. Browse the "Latest Dreams" to find inspiration, connect with others, and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of dreams.

I was pregnant and in labour, the only person in the hospital room was my mum and she kept injecting my back over and over again. I said I didn't want it but she said I had to then I blacked out, I woke up in my nans house and didn't feel like I hadn't given birth and asked if I was doing everything right to which my man replied I'll ask your mum. My mum said yes everything is correct. I walked downstairs not feeling safe and my whole Family was in one room hugging two Chinese babies one did not look new born. Over and over I kept asking myself why I had Chinese baby's and 2 of them my baby should be mixed race black and white. Then I really did panic and something said these aren't my babies. I ran to the pub and asked a bar tender did I have a baby and was there a woman with me last night. The bar tender said 'let me guess they aren't you babies' and pointed over my shoulder I turned around and my mum was facing a wall sat alone laughing with a devilish laugh and said so you figured it out. I tried to grab her to fight but it was as if she went through my arms when I tried to hit her. Then I remembered she had previously told me in another dream, when people have turned bad or possessed you need to burst their ear drums I tried and missed and she continued laughing but I finally managed to do so and when I did she began breathing fast like she was gasping for air like she had been drowning and all the colours became bright again. This is where I woke up

6 months ago my husband of 62 years passed away. About 30 days after his passing I had this dream that a unknown male dressed in all black appears in my bedroom. I have had this dream 3 other times since. in the dream the man asks if I'm alone, and when I reply no, he either says he will be back at night time to visit with me again or to sleep with me. It is making me very scared and uncomfortable in my own home. Please if you can help me interpret this dream.

Had a terrible nightmare, dreamed my 3 year old daughter who doesn't live with me in real life died from gun shot wounds while riding in a truck with my mom and step dad and me our cousin shot her over my step dad not paying back drug money I have no idea what he does in his personal life but I do wonder now and my mother brother step dad nobody cared about her dying and I keep dreaming of my step father sexually abusing my daughter I can't see it but the expressions on his face I know. Something I know hes done it .... Somebody please help me with my dream

Its dark out and Im at my house hosting a party with the most popular sexy hot boy at school as my date. The party is in the back yard. I walk through the hallway towards the door at the end wich goes outside. I hear the music and all the people from my class chatting and having fun. I feel energized and happy. When I get to the doorway my boyfriend Sergio is there waiting for me and when he sees me he kisses me in the lips and hugs me tight. He says "hey what's up?" And I answer "well nothing just the usual". I was the preetiest girl in the whole party. I see Giancarlo (my real life crush) and I tell Sergio "hey wait here a minute I'm going to talk with someone" and he says "ok babe" I walk toward Giancarlo through the strangely dense crowd. I talk with him and ask if all the things that happened between us was real and he said that it was but that we couldn't be oyfriend and girlfriend because he'd lose his popularity. When we finished talking I was so hurt because I loved him so much. So I walked back to Sergio. He hugged and comforted me. I liked his looks but wasn't in love with him. I walked alone through the crowd and to the back alley-like way where there was a white door a the end. I opened the door and fell in through the space like funnel and I arrived in a doctor office-like place with three teenage girls like me with robes that covered their faces each spoke to me but I couldn't understand. Soon everything started blurring and moving farther away from me. Their voices sounded distant. And suddenly I woke up.

At a grocery store and someone I know walks past, it then changes to me being at a psychic apartment, but it was considered my apartment. then the phone rings and on the other line is the boy who had passed me in th grocery store. he says "hey, I'm high off my ass, and you're the hottest bitch ever!" I start freaking up and he hangs up before I can say anything. I tell my father who appears as a bird with his human head, who says negative things about the guy in spanish

This guy kidnapped me and he was keeping me in a hallway and in the hallway were three elevators but you couldnt get in them because they had toxins in them. But there were four windows and looking out the window was a lake. The guy walked in the hallway where i was and he sat crisscross then pulled me into his lap. I looked up and i saw his lips, they were really pink and he had a lip ring and then i noticed his face and it was Johnnie. Then he kissed me and said "this is my goodbye kiss to you." So i started panicking because I was freaked out. Then he stands up and brings me by the window and pushes me out into the lake. While i was in the lake my skin started to burn because there was acid in the lake, so i swam as fast s i could across the lake and i finally made it to a dirt road. But on the dirt road were patches of briar bushes and wasps, which im allergic to. So i take off running as fast as possibly but then i trip into a wasp nest and i got stung at least twelve times before i could get up again. So after i got up i noticed that there was a mainroad about ten feet ahead of me. I got to the main road and i flagged a car down, i wasnt paying attention when i got in but i saw Johnnie in the drivers seat and he said "Dont worry this is just the beginging ."

Wake up in my dream, go out to see little siblings watching tv in living room, I start choking on phlegm, the kids watch and finally my little sister goes to get our Mom and mom comes and just watches or laughs. Then I wake up from the dream, go into the living room where my step-father is stoking the fire and my siblings are with him. I start telling him about my terrifying dream and then I start choking on phlegm again, he and the kids do nothing to help. I wake up again and call for my mother, who comes down from upstairs. But as soon as I start talking about the dream, I start choking again and she just watches and/or laughs. I wake up again, leave my room, run outside in dark night time by back door nearest my bedroom, run across a paved road into grass, then I turn to head back inside as a dark figure in the distance appears heading towards me. I feel scared, so I hurry across the road but the figure is approaching more quickly and gets on a skateboard and I run faster, trip on a step to my door and can't get up - all I can see is the skateboard coming at me in the light. Then I woke up for real.

I worked on a project with rose Reid and then she kissed me. Band and showchoir were rehearsing and I hooked up with a boy in a hidden area during show choir's rehearsal, and then I tried to get Terry Reid to come hookup with me there but we didn't want his friends to see him come in. Marie Howell gave me beads for secret Santa and Sarah dobrzynsky tried to claim them as hers and I told her they were mine and then she said Marie gave me a crappy gift. I had to drive 2 people home but I couldn't find my red Prius in the huge high school parking lot and I saw Lauren from work on the way to find my car and we chatted.

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