I was inside a small concrete building with 2 beds on either side. I was in one, and two people I couldn't see were in the other. We both were covered with a blanket. There was nothing else in the room there was opening for a window and door but there was no window or door. Outside I could nothing but blackened objects and the red glow in the distant background making me feel or think that the world was ending. We could feel an unbearable heat coming and we covered ourselves trying to not be consumed or killed by it. At one point a large blanket appeared and I tried to cover myself with it but it quickly caught fire and I threw it off me. Just then then, this heat was upon us, I could feel it. As it overwhelmed me, I found myself near the top of a maintain covered in green grass. The sky was blue with few clouds. There were others there. They all had this happiness about them, adults around my age. We were just there, sitting, smiling, talking to each other. Something like a lion was running and jumping around us. It didn't look real. It was light in color, nearly white, and looked as though it was put together with blocks of something that could have been wood. As ran towards me, I was just a little afraid and as it batted at my arm with its paw, I realized it was being friendly and wanted me play with him or her, I'm not sure. At that point, I woke up. September 25, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
Thought i'd take my own advice for once. March18 2014. Laying here thinking. Feels like i got deported. Friends and family miss me dearly. Mom thinks im a drug addict. Telling other fam that im mixing drugs and all this non sense. I honestly don't know how my mental os remaining strong after all this shit that i been through. not a complaint. I know im still here by the Grace of God. Who am i though. People probably look at me and say. oh , there goes that corny SKINNY ass nigga daniel, Why is sharde even with him. Why did alex even date him. he's Nobody. Right. Im Nobody. I can accept this. why. because 1. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. and i believe in standing by your opinion. so If Im Such A Nobody. how About hou prove im A Nobody. Matter of fact. how About you walk in my Shoes. parents Divorced when i was like 3. Sent away by my mom 3 times. made my mother think she failed as a parent with me. Constant pressure to Succeed in something you don't even have a passion for. Judged by your family because of the decisions you make. Thats Not even Half Of It. but You still see me crack a fucking smile so you can think everything is Ok. When in actuality . its Not. Its far from Ok. September 03, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
My mother and I had just drawn the blood pentagram and were about to begin the ritual when she suddenly realized her knife was too dull and asked me to go sharpen it. It took me a long time to find the whetstone and sharpen the knife and by the time I returned my mom had become so bored she'd untied the sacrificial victim and was playing checkers with him. Then I woke up. August 27, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
A vimpier kidnaped me and i fell inlove with him but he looked really hot and skiny and taller than me and nobody like that would love me July 26, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
My ex boyfriend committed suicide when we were 16 because I broke up with him. Now I'm having dreams of him an I'm appaligizing to him that I love him an I miss him an that I'm sorry. May 27, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamt of kombucha. I started getting curious as to how kombucha gets fizzy, and a guy that I had liked but nothing ever happened with, well I wanted to ask him. I haven't talked to him in ages,k and keep thinking about it, even if I know we left on good terms and that I'm just wondering something fundamentally stupid. But anyway, I started asking everyone about the kombucha, and they all thought I was dumb, so I worked up the nerve to text him, and he replied about some acidic thing that I eventually understood. I kept going in and out of rooms, and it felt like his lack of attraction to me physically hurt, like I was physically in pain from him not understanding that I just wanted him to kjiss me. I told him that, I asked him if he wanted it too, and I honestly can only remember that this was because my best friend did it. Actrually she texted him that he tried to kiss me and I wasn't sure he was into it, and so he shouldn['t try again (even though I wanted him to desperately), and so I texted him that and he replied, he was kind about it, but then I saw one of my best friends cheating on her boyfriend (although they had broken up) with him, and it was quite strange but yeah. August 29, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
Someone i haven't spoken to in years started plucking my left over leg hairs that didn't get waxed properly. I really liked this and felt so in love with him and it felt so intimate. I have never had feelings for this guy in real life and I don't even know where he is now. We barely even spoke in real life. June 17, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamed I was in house with really big rooms and outdoor space. In another room was an individual that lives in another town that I knew. In waking life I discovered he was abusing children and brought it to the attention of authorities. He had a website about it and I passed it along. I havent spoken to him in years. In my dream there was a lot of people around and he was in another room. There were a group of guys in the room and one was having a discussion with him. It seemed like a difference of opinion and the man he was talking to turned into a dog, a border collie, right after the transformation he killed the dog. I was in another room but saw this as did others. People not wanting to draw his attention were making movements to leave. He saw this and started to walk towards everyone like nothing happened. As he walked towards people he was walking away from a puppy and a kitten. As the group, myself included, walked away from him he was walking with us talking and sounding off. We were on our way out and his discussion was weird we got outside and got into our vehicles and left leaving him behind May 11, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis