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Dreams sigh

Found 193 dreams containing sigh - Page 7

Explore a collection of the latest dreams shared by our community. Discover common themes, intriguing narratives, and unique symbolism. From vivid adventures to thought-provoking scenarios, these recent dreams offer a glimpse into the subconscious mind and may even spark insights into your own dream world. Browse the "Latest Dreams" to find inspiration, connect with others, and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of dreams.

I had this weird dream, inside my dream I am in my former elementary school just to visit my teachers and suddenly I saw my elementary crush in the campus wearing our former elementary school uniform and i ask her what she doing in the school and she said she's studying and i was shocked because she's in college now and in other university. So i just ignore it and went outside the campus and i saw my girlfriend and i just got stun because I'm not expecting her inside my dream so we just get ahead and went on a date. We went to a certain place like a plain field with the perfect set of weather and sight seeing.. After some moments we saw a house near a river we went to the house and saw my former classmate inside on it watching a movie with the bestfriend of my girlfriend . And after that i wake up .

I was traveling through the Middle East, a rare sight of a woman alone with her children. Everywhere we went, small children with large, dark, haunted eyes would watch my son and daughter as they laughed easily, teased each other and tried to talk to one another in Arabic from a small red phrasebook. One day we sat on a hot, dusty, crowded train. As the vista flashed by outside the window, a young boy, close to the same age as my son, sat across from us with his father. He watched quietly, seriously, as my children giggled, poked at one another and pointed out goats, mountains and beautiful rolling dunes awash in browns, soft pinks and ochers. My daughter turned to the boy and spoke a short phrase to him - "Hello; how are you?" - and suddenly he smiled, huge brown eyes lighting up and his face transformed into that of a beautiful and carefree young man. He began to answer when his father, eyes flashing, gave him a sharp reprimand in the universal language that every parent understands, the tone conveying words I understood in a language I could not. The boy cast his eyes downward. I looked at the man and attempted his language. "I'm sorry and it is not my business yet...why is it not alright for our children to speak with one another?" He looked at me and, with a small sigh, said "Our children are not the same." I said, "We are not wealthy people; you have no reason to dislike us." He barked a short laugh and said, "You, wealthy? You have riches. We -" he pointed at his breast, "we have wealth. We have the wealth that comes from true knowledge of our Creator, of our thousands of years of history, of our struggles. Of our losses. Of our families, of our heritage, of our culture. Your children have riches. Riches of the promise of a future. My son has wealth. But the promise of a future...?" He raised his arms heavenward in a fatalistic gesture and slowly turned his head to look out the window of the train. His proud face looked resigned yet strangely at peace. I woke up with tears running down my face.

Two red head sisters (don't know them in real life). I was dating one and good friends with the other. the on i was dating was the younger one. they both died in a car crash (the older sister was driving). I read this in a letter and was instantly at the crash sight they ran into a white car towing something like the big metal thing that carry's cars (one level) maybe like 3 cars. I ran over to the crash sight crossing a busy 4 lane highway. there were allot of motorcycles on the road. once i got to the crash sight there were doll piece's all over the ground.

My dream begins with me being at home checking my email on my phone. I had just received a message from the ACT company stating that I got a 24 on my test, which was a big deal to me because a 24 is what I needed to get in order to accepted into the college I want to go to. (My very first time taking the ACT was the day prior to this dream so I can understand why something that has been on my mind so much would be in my dream). Suddenly walking into my old middle school for class. I see a group of my friends and converse with them about my ACT scores and the bell for first period rings. So I start walking to class with my friends when I realize I am going in the complete opposite direction of where my class is located. So I turn around to run to class before first hour starts and I drop my backpack and all its contents spill out into the hallway. I bend down to start picking them up and a friend (Carolyn) begins to help me. Then the fire alarm goes off and all of my friends seem extremely confused, as am I. A teacher that had been walking our way says it's just a drill and tells us to proceed outside. Well as I begin walking out the doors, there is a giant crashing sound and my friend Carolyn turns and yells at me,“Allison! They're saying this isn't a drill and we need to go to the office!” This threw me off because anyone with a half a brain would know that during a fire you are supposed to exit the building, not hide in the office. But Carolyn ran inside so I went after her to pull her back outside. When I reach the doors and get inside the school Carolyn is already at the end of the hallway and turning the corner and I continue after her. But I am running excruciatingly slow. When I finally reach the corner I turn into this gargantuan lobby, where students and teachers are running around like mad. Up on the walls I notice the giant steaming tanks, they resemble water tanks in a way. Each one has a giant light on them and the two of them are flashing red and steaming. The third ones light was glowing green but then begins to flash red as well. So, I'm fighting my way through the crowd and yelling at people to evacuate the building, and trying to get to the front office to see if Carolyn is in there. When I reach the office every one inside is very calm acting and trying to figure out what is wrong. To my right there is a giant black window, the kind that is see through but only on one side. I assumed it was a window that my principal looked through to make sure the office ladies were doing their job. So I ran into my principal's office and he is not there, I look beneath his desk to see if Carolyn is hiding there, but she isn't. Eventually I give up and bolt out the front doors of the school and down the street. As I am running I hear the sound of a giant explosion but I dont look back at the school. Then, I begin thinking to myself, “I know how this dream ends. I'll be running down the street and someone will try to abduct me. Because this has happened to me in past dreams.” Thankfully that was not the case, because quite frankly I am sick of kidnapping dreams too. I see a taxi driving down the street and I flag it down. The driver stops abruptly in the middle of busy traffic and I run towards it. As I climb into the passenger seat, a man driving a mini van behind the taxi yells, “Your driver is drunk!” I peer into the car and the woman behind the wheel does appear to be intoxicated and the silver flask in her right hand doesn't make thing seem any better. I turn to the man and say, “Well would you like to drive me?” I then climb into the car and tell the taxi driver I needed her to take me to the police station so I can report the explosion and then to my mothers work so I can tell her what happened. Also I notice that I have no money with me so I tell the driver, “I can't pay you right now because I don't have any money, but I will pay you when I get to my mom.” The driver seems a little agitated at first about not being paid immediately but she warms up to me. As we are driving around the town I notice that we are passing iconic places that have happened in my dreams. *** you see in my dreams, any place that I visit is a somewhat more twisted version of the real life one. For example I had a dream recently about a local amusement park and the park wasn't the exact same as it was in my dreams.*** I guess we really did take a scenic route because night fall was nearing and the driver took a wrong turn, and we came to a dead end. Once again I assumed this dream would turn into a nightmare, but she just turned around and went the right way. The driver was a very friendly latina woman, we talked about our lives and family and etc. Finally I come home and I run inside and the woman leaves. I remember thinking about how I forgot to pay her, but I got over it. So the dream skips forward a bit, I can't remember what exactly happened between these two parts but the second part is a recurring dream. I am hanging out with another good friend of mine and both of our dads. I am currently texting a boy that I guess I had a fling with in the past? Maybe another dream? Anyways we are talking and I am debating to pursue this kid in a romantic way but I have a lot of commitment issues so I am extremely hesitant. The boy is from another town and suddenly I am driving the kid back to his house, but before we can get on the high way to take him home an officer stops me and tells me I cant drive this boy home because he doesn't have a permit.. There is some sort of giant prison in the background casting a shadow, and something is written on the building in white paint but I can't remember what it was. Then I go into some sort of montage featuring all the officers that have stopped us on our multiple attempts to leave the town and take the boy home. Suddenly I'm at the top of a platform that is equal height with the prison building next to us. In front of me are thin, and steep winding roads. A tall women with white hair in a pixie cuts jumps onto a motorcycle resembling the kinds from the movie Tron. I immediately take after her, chasing her down. I don't know the woman but my gut is telling me to chase her down. Suddenly my motorcycle hits a bump and flies into the air, I hit a helicopter that is flying about and speculating the chase. I get a glimpse of the woman sighing and saying “Thank god she is finally dead.” But I'm not. I emerge from the helicopter and accidentally fall into a building. I'm in this purple room that looks like a young girls room. The lighting makes it seem like its about 2 in the afternoon, I wouldn't know because something giant and purple is blocking the window. I look closely and its a pile of toys. All sorts of stuffed animals are being crammed up against the window. I know that the only way out of this room is by getting out of the window, so rip the blinds of the wall and open the window as high as it will go. I begin pulling stuffed animals through to make room for me to crawl through. Finally I've created a hole and make my way to the top of the pile. Finally when I am standing on top of the pile there are all these children playing in it. Almost excitedly because they had the toys taken from them and I am returning them. The pile suddenly shifts downwards into another old dilapidated building. To my left through a giant hole in the wall I can hear the evil white haired woman talking to me. Sarcastically congratulating me for bringing happiness and toys to the kids around me. She then goes on about this massive weapon that she cant wait to use on me in the other room. I proceed in there and lo and behold there is some sort of laser standing in front of us. But before she can kill me these kids all join up on her and attack her with the toys and we eventually end up pushing her down a hold in the floor to her ultimate demise. And then I wake up.

I was living in a house and this guy who was a neighbor came over and it was just me and the babies, but my boyfriend was living with us, he just wasn't home. But this guy was super creepy and like holding us hostage (kind of) he never did anything (I think he even tried to do a load of laundry) it was like he was just trying to be part of our lives, like he was trying to take Anthony's place.. But, he was creepy... And he wouldn't let me out of his sight and I couldn't call my boyfriend .. Finally, I went to the restroom and locked the door and text my boyfriend and told him to get home! So then we were outside (I know, super trapped, right?!) and my boyfriend came walking up with a couple of other guys to "save" us... I ran over to him and he hugged me and asked me "Did I rescue you?" and then I woke up.

I don’t know which came first, but I had a dream….where Dalton and I were still broken up, of course. But his friends would hang out and talk to me. Dick, who I only met once and never found out his name until weeks after we met, was hitting on me. Kevin wanted to be in a tournament together. Then there was one guy who I don’t think knew Dalton and Idk if this was dick (didn’t feel like him) who sort of showed me how to hate. So I’ll start at the place where I think I should. I went to the library for a project with a class and the college was like high school, there was bells for every period. Not only that, but the library seemed like it was out of WOW in the fairy section. Half of it was purple n half of it was normal and there were flowers everywhere and it was so colorful. Well I had to find a research book and I had 5 minutes of class so I was booking it, running even. The bell didn’t ring, but I knew I was going to be late cuz class started when I ran out of the library. Days went by, and somehow Dick got a hold of me, wanting to hang out. Apparently, on top of the library was a hallway of appartments and ren and aaron kicked Dalton out and that was where he was living. Well I went to bed and Brian was sleeping in my bed, and kayla was sleeping on the top bunk. I was reading this book and for some reason I was being loud and Dick was relating with me about this book that I was reading….On it was called Chapter nine and it was about this family, idk. He kept me quiet and suggested we go to his place so I did. When we got to his place, he held me close and said “I know he hurt you” and cuddled me but then his hand started to wonder and I pushed him away and ran out into the hallway. Somehow I knew which door Dalton’s was and I knew I didn’t have enough time to book it down the hallway and Dick’s door was opening to look for me so I bashed into one door across from his and closed it behind me. I leaned against it, and it was like a dorm with more closet space in there. It was dark, and had a dark blue tint from the shades being over the window. There wasn’t a bed, there was a dressy, and your occasional messy floor with clothes. I figured this would be a good hiding spot and sat there for a bit as I heard them talk outside, Dick knowing that I don’t want Dalton to know I’m here so he played it off saying that he heard a sound out here. They both retreated to their room and I sighed, leaving, taking the elevator that didn’t close and went over the second floor n went rly slowly. The next day, Dick asked if I want to learn any computer stuff and I said it would help my future job if I learned all sorts of computer stuff so I went over to his place and we screwed up his computer. I realized I had to go home soon so I left, letting myself out. I stood in the hallway and sighed, for some reason deciding to take the stairs which was on Dalton’s side of the hall. I knew in the dream, idk how or why it even occurred, but the entire dream I knew that if I saw Dalton, it would destroy me. I couldn’t see him at all costs. This guy came out of this hallway connecting to the one I was in and we ran into each other in front of Dalton’s door. “Hey can you help me get in here?” he asked, pointing to Daltons door. I said I didn’t know who lived there and kept walking and the guy kept stopping me, asking me to help him get in. He grabbed me and I pushed him back before turning around and running into the same room I hid in before cuz Dalton heard the commotion and was heading for the door to see what was up. They weren’t able to find me and I sighed again to the dimly blue room. I wanted to write music, and I opened the door to leave, but an electronic piano sat on the floor without its legs. I brought it in and I started setting it up. I looked at the clothes on the floor, wondering who lived there. I shouldn’t have wondered because whoever lived there was this guy who was drawn out like he was the lead singer of the gorillaz. He freaked out, asking what I was doing there and stomped on me. I blacked out and woke up on this platform in someone’s back yard. A wooden platform that was 3 feet high. It was the same guy who stomped on me and he looked at me, for a drawn guy, he was cute with his emo hair and eye liner and dark clothes. “All you need to realize is that they’re made of lies. Like so.” He looked down from the platform and there were 3-4 ppl in the back yard, fighting a large cat and a large dog that I assume the guy created. “You’re all pieces of lies!” he screamed out before jumping off at one of them to fight them, his eyes growing red and the sky growing red. I watched in astonishment, hearing his voice inside me. “Remember that one thing you’ll never be able to forget from the pain and use that.” Just from that one statement, I remembered Dalton and my eyes grew red and I started to fight with this guy too. We won, but Idk if any of them died. Then I woke.

I often dream vivid dreams. Last night I was swimming in the ocean, alone, far from shore but with it still in sight. In the distance, a jet came into view. The closer it came to me, the more I could see that it was going to crash. Out of control, the jet ambled towards me. I had nowhere to go, no way to escape. I felt certain it was going to attempt a water landing with me in its path. I was left only to pray, and watch. It came closer and closer. Flying low, I dove underwater as it approached, fighting to go deeper. The plane squealed loudly as it skimmed the surface of the water above me. I could look up and see its belly scratching and clawing the surface above. The sound was deafening, a collective terrorizing shout of fear of the hundreds of nameless faces inside I could not see. As the plane skid past me, and with my lungs empty and crying for air, I fought with every muscle in my body aching to break back to the top and breathe again. I made it just in time, looking over my shoulder with weak but effusive pants just in time to see the plane bellow into the giant beachside hotel buildings, destroying them on impact with a deafening blow that echoed for miles. The anticipated explosion followed. I spent the next few minutes back underwater hiding and looking up as debris fell and tattered my surroundings forming a blanket that sought to drown me. Treading water moments later, the once peaceful ocean was littered and trashed with fiery scraps of metal, junk and torn body parts. I rescued a drowning boy and his sister. They were maybe five. Twins. Crawling onto the beach with the boy and the girl on my back, wringing to my neck, I laid them down. They were alive, whoever they were. I woke up.

I was driving up to the Grand Canyon with my family. It is a sunny day, not a cloud in the sky. I thought to myself, “what a wonderful day to go out on a family outing”. As we drive my family starts laughing and I wonder what is so funny and I looked down and I wasn’t wearing a single stitch of clothing. My face turned red and I felt embarrassed. I heard someone yelling at me as well. When I looked in the back of the car my vocal coach was there yelling at me saying “you are wrong, this is wrong!” we just kept driving along and suddenly the car turned into a giant pre-calc test with an “F” on it and it was chasing after me! I ran away from it saying “No, go away! I don’t want you!!” The test started leapt off the ground and began to fly hovering over me. Then it dove right into me and I was in the car again. I was scared and the day that had been so sunny and warm turned into a windy cold rainy day. As I watched the weather change I felt sad because it wouldn’t be as much fun going to the Grand Canyon in rainy, windy weather as it would be if it were sunny and warm. I looked I unbuckled my seat belt to talk to my mom in the passenger’s seat and neither of my parents were there, so there was no one driving the car! Absolute terror ran through my every vein. I felt my pulse racing and I went to grab the wheel but it was locked I watched as the car smashed right into a telephone pole. The car went up and came back down and flipped over, leaving me trapped under its debris. I screamed so loudly that my throat hurt but no one could hear me. I started to cry because I couldn’t find my family that had been in the car with me when we crashed. As best I could being in the trapped position that I was in I tried to find where my brothers had gone. There was no sight of them so I figured that they had been ejected from the car! I was shaking and screaming because I didn’t know what to do and no one could hear me. Just then a majestic white bird appeared next to me and said “its not your time yet”, then disappeared just as quickly as it had appeared. I was confused, I didn’t know what the bird meant by that. Then I closed my eyes and I was back in the same vehicle that had just been in a gruesome car accident. We were at the top of the Grand Canyon now. I breathed a huge sigh of relief saying to myself“they are ok, thank god! I went over to the edge of the Canyon and stepped on a loose rock and fell over the edge. I reached out but no one grabbed me. I looked up and to the sky and saw a beautiful color blue. I hit the ground and say my family standing over my grave, crying and mourning

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