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Dreams parking lot

Found 263 dreams containing parking lot - Page 7

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I started off at home in cambodia and i had a flight to hanoi at 7pm, my dad showed up at 7:10pm then i went inside got the bags and went outside again, my dad’s car wasn’t in the parking lot so i walked around the nisc community and then my dad reversed back with his car to the beginning of the road that leads to our house. then after i put the bags in the car i went back home to bring a dog that apparently we owned in my dream to come with us for the car ride to the airport. while i was walking towards the car with the dog, 3 bicycles came across the road as i was trying to cross, so i stayed where i am, then 3 more bicycles came across the road so i still stayed where i was, my dad then got out of the car and started walking me, he then realised that the dog had some sort of pimple next to his right back leg so he called my brother to get the syringe to cure the dog, at that point i started yelling saying i’ll be missing my flight if we don’t leave but my brother got out of the car and went to put the needle in the dog either way. by the time he was done we got to the airport, it was 8:10pm by then so my flight had taken off already. I then booked a flight to singapore on the spot. I got on the plane and saw an old friend from an international school back in cambodia, he was the waiter on the plane. i didn’t have a seat on the plane so i kept standing up through out the flight. once i arrived to the university campus here at sp jain in singapore jevaughn said he’d want to come hanoi with me and so his girlfriend bought him a ticket to come with me, i had my bags ready at the lobby and while standing at the lobby i realised that my bags were rolling down the street towards the gate, i started chasing it then i got to the gate and i saw my cousin, he told me to pass him the mercedes benz article, i was wondering what article it was then i looked down at the ground and it was all mud, there were circular holes in the mud each with an old magazine article in it as i was trying to find out which article it was that he wanted i looked up towards the gate and i found a filthy dog with big red eyes looking at me, so i was indecisive about taking out the article, i chose to take it out of the ground and as soon as i did the dog came inside through the gate and started following me and then i ran off and it started chasing me, my cousin went the right side of the road towards the lobby and i took the left road then jumped across half way instead of going completely to the left side and that’s when i woke up

I spent the first half of my dream organizing my room, which was split into two, my tv in the first half and a mirror/dresser in the second half against the far wall and my bed split between the two rooms so I could still see both tv and mirror. I spent what felt like hours in this dream organizing small items into a variety of spaces and confines within my room (which was red like my current room). Then I went to join my sister, her friend, and my friend as they had been drinking/partying during this time in what is my backyard in the dream. It was set up like a courtyard or a opening in the wood with just the tops of houses in the distance. They were busy setting up the area so my sisters friend could release her yellow bird from its cage, which looked like a goldfinch. When she released her goldfinch I was the first to see the eyes and outline of what turned out the be a lynx which traipsed in and snagged the goldfinch in his/her mouth and ran off into the wood, to return moments later when the lynx went to bite/snag my dog in his/her mouth as well, I then stepped on the lynx and captured it in a plastic bag where it continually clawed at my arms for hours as everyone insisted I release the lynx. My aunt and I insisted on bringing the lynx to the vet to discuss possibilities of releasing it in another area or euthanizing it (which is not a usual waking thought of mine). She gave me a wallet which was almost the size of a suitcase and i began sewing up the suitcase so the lynx could no longer scratch up my arms. We arrived at the vet parking lot where I knew the lynx had somehow released the goldfinch because I could hear it singing.

So the dream starts with my family and I walking to my grandpa's car after my choir concert. In the parking lot, something stops me and turns me around. My crush who I recently asked to a dance was there, so I told my family to wait and that I would be back. I walked to the other side of the car next to ours and looked in my hand. In it there was a smooth brown nut that had a slight break on the side and a marker drawn heart on the top. I looked up to see an acquaintance of mine who had told me to ask my crush out in the first place saying "I told you he was a sweet guy" and then I woke up.

I am in a house its big and dark i and my siblings are waiting by the door the neighbors are all outside and there is people walking by the windows i open the door and me and my siblings head out into the parking lot to bring the food in i am the last one to walk in after my mom and siblings and i notice its dark the porch light is not on my dad come in and blames me for the porch light not being on then walks out i go after him to prove my innocence then suddenly he changes into this different person someone whit with black hair and yellow t-shirt and for some reason i am attracted to this guy and he makes me feel happy then suddenly he changes back into my dad i feel weird and a police car pulled up with four cops in it i try to talk to them to ease the attention but they seem weird and they drive off almost running my feet over then i wake up

I am in a house its big and dark. I and my siblings are waiting by the door, the neighbors are all outside, and there is people walking by the windows. I open the door and me and my siblings head out into the parking lot to bring the food in. I am the last one to walk in after my mom and siblings, and I notice its dark the porch light is not on. My dad come in and blames me for the porch light not being on then walks out. I go after him to prove my innocence, then suddenly he changes into this different person someone whit with black hair and yellow t-shirt. And for some reason I am attracted to this guy and he makes me feel happy. Then suddenly he changes back into my dad, I feel weird, and a police car pulled up with four cops in it. I try to talk to them to ease the attention, but they seem weird and they drive off almost running my feet over then I wake up.

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