I dreamt that I was in my grandpa's house and there were about 7 killers in there and that me and my boyfriend was trying to hide from them but he wasn't trying hard and got caught then I got caught by two they looked like carnies and that they made me lay on the floor between them stabbing myself in the stomach till I was dead
I was sitting upside down on the floor in the living room with my feet of the couch and i look foward to see a black figure holding a childs hand and walked past me
Hair on the floor
I walked into my little sisters school with my parents with us. I kept looking down and seeing my stomach was a little bit showing at the bottom through my shirt. I decided to suck it in a little not enough to hurt the baby but so no one can tell I was pregnant. After the awards ceremony at my little sisters school we had to go to my award ceremony. We found a parking space but it took forever. We were early but I felt like everyone was watching my family and I walk in. I tried my best to make my stomach look normal. After the award show was over i was laying on the floor in my bathroom. My boyfriend walked up to me asking me was I okay. I told him no I'm not I feel sick and tired. He picked me up off the floor and noticed I spelled I am pregnant in red rose petals. He looked at me and started crying. I went to the ice cream shop bought some custom made I cream cones for my parents. My mom got a pink one my dad got a blue one. They both said it was gonna be a boy but when they got to the center I couldn't see the color. I was already home with my boyfriend doing a gender reveal for him personally then planning the party. He opened the box and hugged me before I could see the color and I woke up.
I walked into my little sisters school with my parents with us. I kept looking down and seeing my stomach was a little bit showing at the bottom through my shirt. I decided to suck it in a little not enough to hurt the baby but nobody can tell I was pregnant. After the awards ceremony at my little sisters school we had to go to my award ceremony. We found a parking space but it took forever. We were early but I felt like everyone was watching my family and I walk in. I tried my best to make my stomach look normal. After the award show was over i was laying on the floor in my bathroom. My boyfriend walked up to me asking me was I okay. I told him no I'm not I feel sick and tired. He picked me up off the floor and noticed I spelled I am pregnant in red rose petals. He looked at me and started crying. I went to the ice cream shop bought some custom made I cream cones for my parents. My mom got a pink one my dad got a blue one. They both said it was gonna be a boy but when they got to the center I couldn't see the color. I was already home with my boyfriend doing a gender reveal for him personally then planning the party. He opened the box and hugged me before I could see the color and I woke up.
I had a dream you and I were at Walmart. Amanda was with us too for some reason. She acknowledged my presence but paid no mind to it. Like she understood we were spending time together. We were playing around with fake swords until you stopped and told me you didn't want to be around her.
So you took my hand and we started walking fast through different aisles to lose sight of her. She was angrily calling you name, but we ignored her and kept walking fast and hiding to leave he building without her. It got to a point she was yelling Bobby and you were annoyed.
The next panel of my dream, you, jess and dad, and I were going to a restaurant for dinner. I was seated next to you. Across from me was my dad and across from you was jess.
We were enjoying our meal next to an open window until we realized guard trucks pulling up. They started to fill the parking lot. The lights went out. At that point, we understood something was wrong and the restaurant was on lock-down. We couldn't leave because authorities were looking for someone deadly.
So for some reason, everyone in the building aren't at tables anymore, but laying on the floor wrapped in blankets. It's dark and for some reason the light near our window worked but we had to turn it off.
You're holding me as we're laying on the floor in a blanket and we're just looking out the window watching the guards search for the person. It's raining outside and we're just waiting. I'm scared and we eventually see a shadow of a figure outside our window. (Which now for some reason has two boards forming an "x" over the window)
You immediately get up and sneak out of the room we're all laying in the grab a gun. I'm afraid that the man is right outside our window and I crawl under a table with the blanket to hide. The man crashes through the boards and starts yelling "I'm going to kill you all now"
He starts shooting at a bunch of people and I'm scared for my life hiding under a table. You sneak into the room and you're looking frantically for me to make sure I'm okay. You're trying to get a good shot at the guy and you find me. So you hurry over to me and hug me and tell me "it's okay. I'll protect you Mandy. I love you."
Next panel, the situation is over. The building is a mess. There are bloodied bodies scattered across the floor and debris everywhere. I don't know what happened to the shooter. You were rocking me in your arms and I asked where my dad was. You told me he was killed and I started crying loudly in your arms. I don't know what happened to jess.
Then I woke up.
I went to a gathering.. I went upstairs in the house and found a white man's head laying on the floor. I picked up the head accidentally and put it back down and went downstairs. Later on the man came downstairs with the head on his shoulders and told me it was his head and he had to put it back on.
I was at my Middle School. Upstairs walking around the corner near the stairs. I saw my first ex- boyfriend with some other people I can not recall. He said something but I forgot, the only thing I can remember him saying was "Oh my gosh.." and I think, "I'm coming up." and some other stuff but I forgot. Then next thing I knew was that he came up and I was with my other friends laughing down on the floor but we were across from where we were from. He was standing literally right next to me, I touching his feet was scrawling and laughing for whatever reason. I saw him smiling and chuckling at me, that same stare he would use give me when I was happy. That I-love-you kind of stare
Im in my bedroom but i hear my niece tell her mother which id my sister to go help her stop the toliet from running so walk out my room i and i see water on the floor and can clearly hear the toliet running
I had a dream I was giving a blow job to a man I've been seeing but am not in a relationship with. As he was orgasming he fainted and without being able to catch him he fell on the floor.