I dreamt about mirrors and neodymium magnets with orgone will close portals March 16, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I had a dream water was rushing out of the cabinets of my house, then as i pushed back the water with a white towel my dead grandfather was standing there pointing at me. February 28, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was with some friends and watching a Humphrey Bogart movie. (I can’t remember which one) Somehow, the entire movie wasn’t recorded. I found myself in a virtual museum of Humphrey Bogart stuff, movies, memorabilia etc.. Some guy gave me what looked like a VHS box. I commented I wanted to find something on DVD, he got huffy and told me it was some kind of DVD.. But the movie was The Maltese Falcon, not whichever movie I was looking for. I left this guy, and was wandering around looking in cabinets, and shelves but never did find the right movie. On a shelf there were some awards Bogart had won, one was a gold statue. At first I thought it was his Oscar, but the statue was something else. February 06, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was with some friends and watching a Humphrey Bogart movie. (I can’t remember which one) Somehow, the entire movie wasn’t recorded. I found myself in a virtual museum of Humphrey Bogart stuff, movies, memorabilia etc.. Some guy tried to hand me what looked like a VHS box. I commented I wanted to find something on DVD, he got huffy and told me it was some kind of DVD.. But the movie was The Maltese Falcon, not whichever movie I was looking for. I left this guy, and was wandering around looking n cabinets, and shelves but never did find the right movie. On a shelf there were some awards Bogart had won, one was a gold statue. At first I thought it was his Oscar, but the statue was something else. February 06, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I am in my kitchen and two red legged tarantulas are playing above my kitchen cabinets January 28, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis