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Dreams loom

Found 85 dreams containing loom - Page 7

Explore a collection of the latest dreams shared by our community. Discover common themes, intriguing narratives, and unique symbolism. From vivid adventures to thought-provoking scenarios, these recent dreams offer a glimpse into the subconscious mind and may even spark insights into your own dream world. Browse the "Latest Dreams" to find inspiration, connect with others, and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of dreams.

I had went to the hospital with my boyfriend and his mom, and I didnt know I was pregnant until the nurse told me I was having a son. She told me that baby Presten was going to be here soon and that she went through my cell phone. I started crying hysterically and fell asleep. When I woke up, my boyfriend and his mom were gone and I was starting to have contractions. It was a dark and gloomy room. I was wearing the hospital gown but still had my jeans on. Soon after, I felt the baby turn in my stomach and next thing I know he was laying in my jeans. I called the nurse for help but she told me she was busy. So I had taken him out of my jeans and cleaned his nose and throat. I called her for help again, but she didnt come. I was all alone with my baby.

I was floating under in wharf in navy blue water. A man swims over to me. He is holding my hands and we swim together under water. He is leading me further and further under water until we rise the surface. I see bullets coming at us. We dive again and swim further. We do this a couple times. We end up behind a large ship floating in the water. The man leads me to land and the sun comes out. We climb a hill to the top where there is a church. He reads a love poem to a black women. His father comes to meet us up top. I run down the hill and realize I am naked from the waist up. I run to a small gloomy town and stop to get a reading from a psychic.

I was floating under in wharf in navy blue water. A man swims over to me. He is holding my hands and we swim together under water. He is leading me further and further under water until we rise the surface. I see bullets coming at us. We dive again and swim further. We do this a couple times. We end up behind a large ship floating in the water. The man leads me to land and the sun comes out. We climb a hill to the top where there is a church. He reads a poem to a black women. His father comes to meet us up top. I run down the hill and realize I am naked from the waist up. I run to a small gloomy town and stop to get a reading from a psychic.

I had this dream last night, i woke up three times and still went back to the same basic dream. I have been searching for an answer as to why this dream has stuck.. I rarely remember my dreams but this one, this one is different! To begin the main characters were me and this man who through various scenes in the dream i found we were madly in love, but this love was deep it was pure it left me speechless. It was once in a lifetime and i cant shake the feeling that is important. Anyways we were in love and towards the end we were planning to get married. And for some reason his eyes were dominant for the entire dream, they were blue. I had a picture of what he looked like, a basic image and although i called his name in the dream i was unable to recall it.. Its kinda strange i would try to remember his name in the dream but could only recall it at the end..by the way i have never seen this man or his face.. Im going to call him blue eyes.. The dream begins with a gloomy grey house, it was very large and me and Blue Eyes were there.. We were being chased by something i couldn't see and we began to fly to escape. I got stuck and somehow was unable to make myself rise higher in the sky, but then He saves me. Then the dream shifts and we are driving through my home town in a huge 18 wheeler and we come to a construction on a hill and being inpatient Blue eyes drives on the side of the hill, still in the Semi, and we are sideways on this hill and i was terrified and stuck to his side and he maneuvers the construction zone and misses all wholes and craters! Then the dream shifts and we arrive at this home that strangely resembles my Aunts old home but it was more lavish and larger.. I was thinking of a baby while we were walking the porch and we come to a swing in which my grandfather (papa henry) who is dead in real life, is sitting with a woman i don't recognize.. I ask my father who i am estranged with why he is here and he says its just what it is.. Following that a huge ball or dance is taking place in the house and a huge woman accuses me of messing up the music i walk to another room to discuss it with her and my mother, who i has never been constant in my life, shows up and defends me.. I walk away and go in search of my beloved all the while thinking of a baby.. I come to this room with just a chest in it and i open it to find something left for me by my dead grandfather, it was odd because it was a chest my grandmother on my moms side whom i was raised by, owned. I left with a piece of the gift and went back searching.. I came upon my mother and questioned her about the box and why i was never given it.. She gets angry and says she is leaving which is typical of her and i just wanted to leave. I head to the terrace on the roof and find my mother and her mother( the one who raised me) arguing and i ask have they seen ..... ( this the point in which i call his real name but i only have the lasting impression of his name).. My grandmother points to the side of the roof and he stands at the bottom arms crossed and with an angry face. She says he was threatening to turn my mom in for something ( she has a history of being in prison) and i new they were lying because anytime in real life they have always caused problems when it comes to me meeting new people and the ones i love.. I simply tell them to turn around an not look back because i was going to jump off the terrace into his arms which i somehow knew he would catch me, but also i was still capable of flying/floating.. I jump and land in his arms and i knew he was innocent and he was only trying to protect me then they( my mom and grandmother) come to the side of the terrace and ask how and i then let years f frustration out on them saying," this is typical of you, yall constantly do this and you would think you would learn.. Why cant you see that i am happy. Your just jealous and trying to ruin this.. If you want to be apart of my life, see us get married, have children then you will apologize to him and me.. You know how to reach me" then he kissed me and we left.. The dream ends with a sort of peaceful happiness and everything was as it should be.. Sorry for the length.. Thank you for your time. Im just looking for answers because this is a very personal dream and it has had a lasting impression all day..

What does my dream mean? So, I have this guy in my waking life that I am dating, but I always had a feeling that the fact that his ex girlfriend cheated on him and hurt him so bad (he almost married her) is the reason he hokds back some in our relationship. I have always had very detailed dreams, and when I remember them, they usually mean something, but I cannot for the life of me decipher this one. I fell alseep one night and dreamed that I was in a warehouse filled with food. All sorts of food, like anything you could think of, and for some reason I was on a quest for frozen strawberries. I finally found them. I was walking around the market with my boyfriend 's roomate (who is like my big brother) and I have no clue why. We were flying around on a segway, and then we ended up walking, all in this market. Throughout the whole dream, I heard a woman's voice speaking on a loud speaker all throughout the market, even though I couldnt make out who it was or what they were saying. His roomate and I ended up being chased around by these men in yellow hazmat suits. It suddenly became difficult for me to breathe, and I looked up at the ceiling and saw that there were ceiling fans on that were blowing out yellow tear gas. He was holding my hand, and we were running around the market trying to get away, and Iwas frightenend, and then I woke up. About a month later, I fell asleep and had a dream that I was in something that looked like an abandoned factory. it was dark and gloomy and it just felt like something was wrong. I was chasing my boyfriend around, and he ended up going up a flight of stairs, so I followed. I ended up in the barracks that we live in on the same floor as we live, and he ran into his room and shut the door in my face, and no matter how hard I knocked, he wouldn't let me in. So I went to the staircase to go outside, and I looked back down into the stairwell of the dark and gloomy factory, and I saw a yellow boot belonging to one of the men from the first dream. But this time I wasn't afriad of the men, I wanted to find out what they wanted, so I went down the stairs after him. I got to the bottom, and there was a bunch of them hanging on a railing, and I turned a corner, and I ended up back in the warehouse full of food, with the fans still going blowing tear gas. I heard the loudspeaker again, and this time it was a man's voice (I dont know who) and I could make out what he was saying. He said, "You idiots, are you sure that it's (my boyfriend 's ex's name)'s fault? What are you going to do with her?!" And then I realized, the men weren't after me... they were after my boyfriend 's ex, and it was her voice on the loud speaker. I kept running around the market and I eventually fouund where the loudspeaker was being projected from, it was a man I've never seen before with a microphone in a cage talkiing. I got on the floor and crawled under one of the tables of food that was directly next to it, I recall seeing some green peppers, limes, and red peppers and tomatoes. The men in the yellow suits finally caught my boyfriend 's ex, and I don't know how I knew because I didn't see it, I just did, and the minute they did, the fans turned off and the tear gas stopped blowing, and I could breathe again. I stood up, took my boyfriend 's hand, and we walked out of the warehouse into this bright light, and I woke up. I'm sorry if I sound like a crazy person, but what the HELL does this mean?! lol It's driving me nuts, so if youre good with dream interperetation, please help, thanks:)

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