Having a son who is around 3 years old with your crush, and we're jumping into a trashcan for fun June 27, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
Jumping into water digging muthi learning sangoma bones being chased by cows April 28, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
I run away from my family. i didn't want to be around them anymore. when i ran away it was all over the news about me. they said i was dangerous and to think i could not be trusted. whenever any police found me i paralyzed them by hitting their pressure points and jumped super high into the trees jumping from one tree to another. i wanted to be free. but when i woke up, i was back to subjugation January 12, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
This dream had occurred recently. I had dreamed that I was on a boat in the middle of the ocean, it was a big boat, with a couple of my friends and people from my grade that I'm not that close with. I was taking pictures of the boat and the great time we were having trying to make someone who I don't particularly like jealous, she used to be friends with one of my best friends. One girl had dropped her phone in the middle of the ocean resulting in her having to get it shortly after jumping in the water. She wasn't scared once she got in the water, she was actually laughing and was full of excitement. March 17, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
I had a dream that a big boat with a jumping castle on board and no people crashed into my house causing a mini tsunami. I was looking after two children at the time and i couldn't do anything except watch the boat crash. March 12, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis