I was walking through a house and it was like I had virtual glasses on and could see outwardly. I couldn't see myself. The walls of the house were nice and white in color. I pursued a devil that I couldn't see but I knew was there. I called it and cast it out in the name of Jesus. A sliding window opened and the demon spirit left the house and the window closed behind it. I never saw it only felt the presence. After it left out the window I stood just looking at the window and felt relief. I woke up and it stayed with me all day. February 12, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamed I was in a big castle of the devil and awaited my turn to go in for a session with the devil. While I was in the waiting room I saw lot of kids they were sleeping and one corner I saw two people making love and I felt the evilness in the Castle. I then decided to escape, I saw myself ran down the stairs of the castle and somehow I got to the bottom it is a beach and I ran but infront of me were totally darkness and I have no idea what I am going to run to in the darkness and then I saw the devil a man fly outside the castle to come after me and then I decided to go back instead of running into this totally darkness, and he got hold of my left hand and led me back to the castle...but at the same time I cried out "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Holy Spririt Help me Help me and I know the devil was disappear and I never went back in to the castle....Thank you December 01, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamed about me as a little girl in pig tails holding Jesus hand October 03, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
My dream started with a man inside a window like structure.. there was no wall nothingness around him (kinda like when you close your eyes and you still see something but its nothing) I got closer I seen the mans face he had long hair and a long beard.. (I don't know, pretty funny but looked like jesus) he handed me a long necklace It had huge beads (a little under golf ball size) they were a goldish yellow very beautiful color at the end was a medallion. I don't remember exactly what it looked like but it was the same color as the beads huge circle and I believe it kinda looked like the sun flames around but the inside... hollow..? or a dreamcatcher..? cant quite remember I was to busy looking at the beads and length... I felt protection and love!! I looked all over and cannot find anything to interpret it September 23, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
I deemed of a statue of the baby Jesus he was blowing bubbles and he gave me some bubbles February 16, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
8 years old son sleeping when Jesus comes into my dreams. We talk about learning your lesson on the first try . You get one chance for god is harsh and Jesus likes to watch me play with me we play games together ,walking around I can look up in his eyes and my answered from an question is known without words. Jesus loves to walk on water ,like an trick and why is there an ghost like figure dressed in white , bright colors shown on her head crown of flowers'. Jesus is more interested about me through questions about what I like, feel more comfortable with that than my question for him .Jesus is on the ghost like clothes yet his eyes are purely righteous feeling glimmering bluish,green eyes. His voice is soft unlike god .im building him 3huts for him out sticks ,clay muddy? December 13, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
I had a dream that an older mexican lady named Maria told me that spirits would start talking to me because of death and she was holding a painting and jesus was on it and half his face was red and she told me to pay attention to my painting because when jesus face was completly red he was here. what does my dream mean December 02, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis