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Dreams in my head

Found 127 dreams containing in my head - Page 7

Explore a collection of the latest dreams shared by our community. Discover common themes, intriguing narratives, and unique symbolism. From vivid adventures to thought-provoking scenarios, these recent dreams offer a glimpse into the subconscious mind and may even spark insights into your own dream world. Browse the "Latest Dreams" to find inspiration, connect with others, and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of dreams.

I was walking down the stairs when I came across a part of a snake, there was no head. I turned back and went up the stairs. I met up with some friends and went swimming in an indoor pool. when we were done swimming, i said goodbye and went back to the same stairs where I had came from. When I was going down the stairs, I noticed a snake skin, and then again saw a part of a snake with no head. So I went back up the stairs, and saw more snake skin, but it was moving. Then I noticed that a whole snake was there shedding its skin. I went back down the stairs, But the snake had already seen me. It wouldn't let me go down the stairs, I could hear it in my head saying not to go that way. But it also wouldn't let me go up the stairs. Then I woke up because I was afraid that the snake was about to attack me.

The dream started out nice. I came to see her in the middle of the night and I remember us both smiling and laughing, and she told me I could sleep in her room until morning. In the dream, I woke up to Sydney walking into the room with this look on her face that she always gets when she’s upset or depressed about something. I then remember Sydney’s mom bringing us into another room ‘in private’ and said, “Justin. You can’t see Sydney when you turn 18. You have to break up.” and walked out of the room. All I could say was, “Please don’t do this...” in a choked up voice, “I really love her, please don’t do this to me!”. After this, all I remember is going outside the house to take a walk with Sydney. Holding onto her arm, we were both silent. Speechless. I finally turn to her and say “I’m not going to see other people, you mean so much to me.” Sydney just continues looking ahead with that same depressed look on her face. “Are you?”, I say. She hesitates, opens her mouth, stays like that for a couple seconds without saying a thing, then says, “Sure.” In that moment, my heart broke. This girl I thought who loved me, says she is going to see other people when we break up. Tears begin filling my eyes and running down my face. I’m speechless. I put my face against hers and squeeze her arm tightly. “Please don’t leave me!” I scream. Then she disappeared. I was left on my knees on the concrete, looking at the ground, emotional pain searing through my body. I have never had a thought of suicide in my life. Until then. Until that moment when the girl who means the world to me, disappeared from my arms. A voice in my head still in the dream said, “Justin. You cannot live on without her.”

I'm at a friends house, preparing a small surprise party for another friend arriving from abroad (for some reason, I think they're coming from Poland). I'm grating cheese onto a plate when one of my friends starts using a hairdryer or fan and the grated cheese blows off the plate. We become angry with each other and then everyone in the room starts arguing (I think there's 5 of us). I leave by the back door. I'm in my local village and both sides of the road are lined with severely damaged cars, damaged by other cars driven by people who are infected (I think). I start noticing that the people around me are acting strange, like they're feral. A man walks up to me (not feral) and touches my arm, he's lost and confused. He sees a woman and says "It's you. you've done this". Then there is darkness. We have fallen and he's landed on top of me (I can feel my breasts pressed to his chest) but it doesn't feel sexual. Then I am looking through his eyes (this is interchangeable, sometimes I'm in my head, sometimes in his). Through him I talk to one of his ancestors who tells him they've been searching for him to save them. There is some kind of war going on. Still as him, I'm riding on top of a cart, I jump from it and land on a horse. I slit it's throat. I then flash back to my friends house and I'm in one of my friends heads. She is locked in a closet, feeling confused and acting like the feral people I saw earlier. Someone enters the room and she's scared. Now I'm back behind the mans eyes (I see him as a warrior). Then back to myself. We see each other and feel connected. The war is over. Back to myself in my friends kitchen. I've grated too much cheese and everything is back to normal, no-one remembers anything apart from me and I'm confused. I can remember and I know it happened. I get up and leave through the back door. I want to find the warrior. I wake up.

I ended up in a house and i was running from aliens a woman or man was with me while running through the house. there were others as well but they had already ran out the backside of the house while making our way to the backdoor of the house we found a piece of alien equipment we were not sure what it was. at first it looked like a gun so i pulled the trigger it let off some sort of sonic pulse. so i waited for an alien to catch up with us and when he did i went to aim it at him. now the device looked completely different. it was a rectangle about 8 inches long and 3 in wide and had a square button on top that when pushed sunk into the object. I aimed it at the alien and when i pushed it i got the same reaction. A pulse went off and hit the alien. The pulse had no affect on the alien. so we bolted out the door keep in mind that the aliens are slower than humans as the walk and cannot run. as i am running through the massive back yard with no fences just land and woods and kind of a swampy terrain i notice a boy laying in a bush trying to hide. i noticed him right off the back so i knew the aliens would as well. i ran to him and whispered come on the aliens are coming just follow me. i bolted and he did as well, running towards the woods. after exiting the woods we, the three of us, came upon the rest of the group standing at a 12 ft chain link fence with barbed wire on the top of it. Past the fence was what looked like a factory or large warehouse there was a high voltage sign on the fence so everyone figured it was an electric fence. One brave soul, they guy who was hiding in the bush, decided to climb it anyway. In that very moment i was afraid for this little guy. i almost yelled out stop! but i held my tongue because him testing the fence was our surefire way to see if the sign was telling the truth or if it was a deterrent we figured out it was not an electric fence and the sign was just bullshitting us trying to keep people out. when we all got past the fence we went strait to the factory door. As we were Approaching the factory door a woman opened it and told us all to come inside. Once we were inside we met three beautiful girls probably in their early 20's. That is when the group disappeared and the story started focusing mainly on me. The first thing i did was go and help the girls do the laundry. the laundry room, or just a washer and dryer, was located right in front of the main entrance. i talked to the girls laughed and was having a good time. The next thing i remember is the old lady that welcomed me into the factory asked me to go and get some supplies. i set out, but i just appeared in the dollar store i remember seeing toys for children, and there was a little child back at the factory so i decided to grab one. i then appeared back at the factory and was with them for a short period of time as i recall next thing i know i am being chased by this man for a reason i don't remember but it had something to do with his daughter. i got away but could not stay away. the world looks something like a post apocalyptic world with little power and people scrounging to get by. well i don't remember it but apparently in some way thing got to be alright between me and her father. so us three were running down this big hill through the woods and i slipped and fell rolling about 25 feet really fast downhill and landing on a large rock inside a pod that sat at the bottom of the hill. the next thing i remember i found myself laying next to her and i was as happy as any one person can be. i remember emotion just flying around uncontrollably in my head. when i woke in the middle of the night him and his men were setting up and cross. i overheard her father say he was gonna put me on there and keep shocking me with this machine. so ,of course, took off running. the fathers two goons chased me into the woods and i ran into the back of a semi trailer and hid. seconds later on of his goons saw me in there and came to attack me. i ran all the way to the back, with him chasing me, and then i was stuck. we came face to face and i offered to give him 200$ to let me go. The currency was not in dollars i said some weird word that i will never remember. he said " show me the 200$ and maybe i will." Well of course i did not have 200$ so i grabbed a small object and beat his face in with it. with him being dead and the others no-where to be seen i return to try and rescue the girl to take her with me. As i am doing recon her father sees me and starts running strait for me. at that time i have no choice but to run. the girl was standing or crouching i should say on the right side of the truck. i ran a circle around a house and passing by the passengers side of the truck but he was hot on my tail. so i just pulled her hair as i passed by signaling for her to run with me. i remember her yelling ouch and quickly turning her head in my direction, but she did not follow. i Just kept running in fear of what this man would do to me if he caught me. we were in a suburbs in the country. the road i was on was about a 1/8 of a mile and then another road intersected it on the right. I took the road to the right and kept running down it At this moment i am so far ahead of him he cant really see me that well. as i am running down this road i see past the side of a house a 10 foot wooden fence with barbed wire on top of it. i ran to the back yard only to notice people sitting in their sun room. from fear of getting shot i ran inside and asked them if i could hop their fence. i did not give them a reason other than i really have to get across that fence. the owner escorts me to the back yard and stairs at the fence with his hand scratching his chin side to side. he took too long deciding and the father showed up running into the backyard from the side of the house. we both quickly ran inside and i ran strait trough the back door and out the front door. he knew i would do this so he just ran along the side of the house. we met almost face to face in the front yard so i sprinted pushing myself as hard as i could to outrun him. before i know it i am sprinting so fast that he gives up. but i remember thinking at that moment screw everything i am getting as far away from here as possible. and kept sprinting until i was literally exhausted and aching from sprinting so far. and then i woke up

It was night, very dark. i was walking around the streets in a big city. I knew that city, but still somehow was not able to find a right way home. And then suddenly my teeth started to fall, they were falling and falling, I could not stop it. I did not try to put them back in their holes, I just took them out from my mouth and holded in my hands. Whole mouth was full with fallen teeth. I was afraid to swolow them. They I saw some women sitting outside of the bar. She was very serious. I did not now who she was. I walked pass her and prayed in my head that that was just a dream.

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