I was hopping trains as my great great grandfather in the future. March 11, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
I am at my grandparents house. It has always been my safe place. I see ducks dressed in blue tartan plaid. I hug and kiss my grandfather and thank him for being there for me March 05, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
I was at my Grandparent's house and heard music coming from outside. I couldn't figure out where the music was coming from, so my sister and I went outside to see. It was coming from my Grandparent's garage. The garage doors were open but the lights were off and we couldn't see anything or anyone inside. All of a sudden, a squirrel ran out and several forest animals followed. I ran back inside and when I opened the front door a soldier was standing to my right. I could see through him. I said hello and he kept facing forward. I closed the door and turned around and saw my Grandfather standing there. He was smiling at me. His skin was wrinkleless and he looked young. He didn't move his mouth when he spoke, but I could hear him. He told me how much he loved me and missed me. He told me how proud he was of me. December 15, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
Had a dream about my grandfather (who is dead) was in the hospital. My uncle (his youngest son) was there laid back in the recliner. I was talking to someone about how they take people to the wrong hospitals and the family have to turn around and ask them to take them somewhere else. So when I got to the hospital the doctor was in the room with him with the curtains closed. They told me to wait for a moment. So when I finally got to come in I saw a man on the bed but that was not my grandfather. November 28, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
My grandfather just passed away. I dreamt that when I leaned over his casket he woke up and said help me November 08, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
I was looking arter my grandfather and father , they went for a walk only my father came back. i put my father to bed and went out looking for my grandfather. i could only see through one eye January 15, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
In my dream I was being set up with someone and when we met it turned out to be my ex. After a while we went to his roommate's house and hung out with some friends, but he kept looking at me and only talking to me. When I went into the kitchen he followed me even thought his grandfather as there to talk to him. His attention was solely on me January 06, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
Music, grandfather, non-verbal communication, grandfather, spirit of a man, squirrel, fox, running, proud December 15, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis