Chele was showing me these schools the girls were going to but she had a helicopter and everything was so far. She made me ride on the outside and I was so tired holding on. just kept asking me if I was going to do this or that but never slowed down to let me off. Her friend Molly was going to sell her some van and they were talking about how it was built for sex. Molly was talking about Tony and scooter fukn her at the same time all over town in it. Chele wouldn't listen to me that I couldn't hang on anymore. I let go and fell. I was crying and she never stopped or slowed down and I died. September 06, 2019 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in a house similar to my grat, great grandmother's, but it wasn't quite her house. Everything was dark and the lights were very dim. There were two men who locked the door to the house and declared it as their own while I was hiding in another room that was a lot darker. Eventually, a few people came and the two men were arrested, but for some reason the men envoked great fear in me. I remember at one point being in the bathroom, but I don't remember anything other than it was important. Next, the dream seemed to change into me and two other girls being chased by Jeremiah Valeska. There was a part where the two girls were laying vertically underneath two seperate cars, and I was horizontal between the two cars, but for some reason he didn't see me. Eventually in the dream, I was back to the house, but it was more like a maze now. Jeremiah had the mannerisms of his twin, Jerome Valeska, and it put me on edge for some reason. I can't remember much more of the dream. March 07, 2019 > Read Dream Analysis
Little girls with large eyes pull their faces off and show me their facial skeleton September 21, 2018 > Read Dream Analysis
Little girls with huge eyes pulling their faces off and showing me their facial skeleton September 21, 2018 > Read Dream Analysis
There was a small flood only about waist Hight and my phone had gotten wet so I went over to my friends house to get a towel and his girlfriend was there and she hated me and wanted me gone so I had to leave after drying my phone then on my way out of his house another girl showed up and stared at me with hate and then my friend walked out and gave me a tight loving hug and the girls face had turned from hate to disgust and then I woke up. January 14, 2019 > Read Dream Analysis
I packed up some stuff and put it all on the 4-wheeler. I was then going down to the cabin the back part of our property looking at all the beautiful greenery. I was slightly confused about why the trials were not going the right way. I then heard my mothers voice. I was then in my backyard with 3 girls, one of which I knew. I was naked and was trying to get back on the 4-Wheeler to drive to the cabin where I could get dressed. No one in the dream reacted to me being dressed inappropriately and didn’t know why I was in a hurry to get away. December 03, 2018 > Read Dream Analysis
I packed up some stuff and put it all on the 4-wheeler. I was then going down to the cabin the back part of our property looking at all the beautiful greenery. I was slightly confused about why the trials were not going the right way. I then heard my mothers voice. I was then in my backyard with 3 girls, one of which I knew. I was dressed inappropriately and was trying to get back on the 4-Wheeler to drive to the cabin where I could get dressed. No one in the dream reacted to me being dressed inappropriately and didn’t know why I was in a hurry to get away. December 03, 2018 > Read Dream Analysis
I was making out with a male celebrity and then ended up at a concert. A lot of people from my high school were there and one girl gave me exciting news that made me telepathically blow up a building. Then the salad I was eating because rotten and filled with spiderwebs. Then two girls walked past me all in white and then came back dressed in all black October 13, 2018 > Read Dream Analysis
Little girls with large eyes show me their skeleton by pulling their faces off September 25, 2018 > Read Dream Analysis