Understand My Dreams

Dreams giant

Getting ready for a mini gathering with Pepper, Hanna, Linda Overslept? Supposed to meet them at 11:00am but woke up at 11:07am Went to Giant to shop for brunch items Run into Hanna and Linda I've prepared chicken and waffles I want to get something else. Linda suggests I get blueberries too I drive over to the park and it's now a Starbucks employees gathering. On a pier of some sort. Looking over a beautiful lake. With a ropes course and mini islands. I get worried because I don't know how to swim. I'm with Von and Frankee? Von is so cool. She's dressed in blue button up and khakis. Everyone is. I'm wearing chambray top and black pants. Will that be ok? Von wants to swim and do a ropes course. Gets really excited. But then mentions she's on her period and can't. I'm next to a Hispanic guy. Then BlackCindy from the tv show, "Orang is the New Black" appears with a huge duffel bag. I hold the bag for her. She sits next to me on wooden bench. She's so funny. Then next to me is... white guy, so familiar. Dax Shepherd. We start talking. I mention how I haven't had sex since I got married. I tell him not to get married. We talk about the TV show, "How I Met Your Mother." He starts flirting with me. Selena Gomez comes in. Crying. Everyone rushes over to her. I give her a tissue but she throws it away and gives me a dirty look. I don't take it personally.

I was on a train with my sister on the way to the beach. It made a stop and I told my sister we should get off the train but she said there's another stop that's closer to the beach so we stayed on. The train became a bus. When the bus was coming to the last stop it was going really close to the water and I was wondering when it was going to stop. But it didn't stop and it kept going in the water and it started riding the waves. We were all scared and didn't know what the bus driver was doing. Then the bus crashed into a wave and it started sinking. I tried swimming out but my shoes were dragging me down because they were too heavy so I took them off and swam to shore. My sister also swam to shore. Then I was talking to her and telling her that those were my favorite pairs of shoes and it's sad that I had to loose them. So I went to the shore and looked for my shoes and I found two other pairs of shoes and decided that I could just wear those on the way home. Then I realized that my sister was helping look for survivors so I went to help her. We saw a giant in the water and we all started to lift him out of the water. This giant was made by God to carry all of our souls so he was a very special person. I went to grab his head but someone already was holding it so he said to go hold his leg up so I did and we carried him to the shore.

I was with my ex- boyfriend and his daughter at a playground, when he started acting crazy, so I drove away but I still had his daughter's coat, bag and car seat in my car. I worried she would be cold and was annoyed at my ex boyfriend for not being worried. Later I was in a giant school, cafeteria in England where my new boyfriend , one I had never met, was with me telling me how to get away from vampires, we were big chased by vampires and there were other people with us who kept getting killed by the vampires. We finally reached the cafeteria where we were safe but I tried to buy lunch and the lady behind the register kept getting angry at me and people were still being killed by the vampires.

I dream that was going from garbage can the garbage can in this giant mall parking lot and my grandfather was driving the car and I would get out runs through garbage can searching for tens grab what I could and put it in the backseat. I get to one garbage can that's like 20 feet away from another garbage can and while I'm searching I find a couple remote control items so I figured maybe I could get them to work so I go to show my grandfather and I see him staring ahead into a different larger almost dumpster like garbage can and there's a man taking his Christmas decorations and throwing them in there full sets of decorations including nativity sets and a giant Santa sleigh period I look at my grandfather and we both have a look on our face like jackpot and that's when I woke up completely drenched in sweat blankets soaked

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