I killed a dinosaur
I have returning after visiting my father's relatives(between whom we are not in good terms recently) along with my two college friends. I see a small shop aside of a few steps and someone disturbed one of my friends. We had a small quarrel with him. Then I saw a small village road and a door to the next one in which we have to go through. While opening the door I saw a large dinosaur like creature with a single horn which has split ends. we all sacred. I warn my friend(whom disturbed) not to run. but she runs and the creature started chasing her. We escaped through the door.
I dreamed I looked into a square hole and saw geometrical shapes of dinosaurs
Airplane dinosaur tornado and driving away in a convertible jeep devil
Airplane dinosaur tornado and driving away in a convertible jeep
I was in a crowd of people who looked like people in my high school and we were all in these movie theater seats except for the people at the top who had bleachers. C.M. Punk was announced for no reason. And I was cuddling up with one of my boyfriend 's friends. My boyfriend was somewhere in the crowd. I got burned by a hot bleacher. These two boys were called out and a weird play was performed about them including dinosaurs.
Chased by dinosaurs
I dream that dinosaurs are coming to kill me
I was running away from dinosaurs and I was fighting a famous musician with people I knew
Airplane dinosaur tornada and driving away in a convertible jeep