A workman in casual clothes going onto our roof on scaffolding to do work. He fell off and hit the ground. I ran outside and found he was dead December 10, 2019 > Read Dream Analysis
I was carrying a plastic bag with clothes in it as I was naked. I put it down and swam across a rock pool at the ocean. I swam back to get the bag with clothes in it. When I got there a hairy scruffy naked man was being chased by another man who had a beach umbrella. The naked man ran in to a theatre being chased by the man with the beach umbrella. They ran out of another door and ran towards me to attack and I ran at them to attack May 16, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
Going upstairs to get someones clothes and it was a tight squeeze at the top with clutter July 27, 2020 > Read Dream Analysis
I was driving a car thru water that was over the u ceiling of the car. I kept pushing the gas peddle. It kept going through the water. It stalled only I 've when I let up from the gas peddle. As long as I pressed the has peddle it kept going. There was a girl with me, I don't know who. I finally made it thru the water and rice up a hill to a trailor. I know the place in real life but have never been there. I used to be a nurse, so I was wearing a nursing uniform. I came to realize I was renting this trailer with another girl who was a nurse and left when I got there. The girl with me was wanting to leave.I used to be a drug addict. All I was doing after getting to the trailer was counting my drugs. I would lose them then find them and I couldn't organize my clothes. January 20, 2020 > Read Dream Analysis
I have frustration dreams. Packing clothes not enough clothes not the right clothes January 09, 2020 > Read Dream Analysis
Driving the street, my husband traveling in his car behind me. I notice a old place that I visit in other dreams. without warning my husband at all, I jumped out of my car and went into this old dark house, the people were friendly enough but I really didn't know any of them. then I looked up and a Old friend Alonso that I went to grade school showed up, we hung out then I was ready to leave. as I was saying my goodbyes, I said I hope I can find my car, then Alonzo said you park way over there instead of me leaving with Alonzo, I sat back down moments later I realize Alonzo left I went outside to see if my car was there but all I could see was people barely getting around in the dark a policeman was walking around saying something to people but I couldn't make out what was said I started walking in the policeman direction but he disappear in the night the streets was dark and muddy I passed several old people they all had on dark clothes and they were dingy and seem to have a hard time walking so I seen a parking lot I went to see if my car was there but it wasn't so I went back to that house where I really didn't know anyone they were all males but gentle and nice on my way to the house their were two small kids using a outside toilet I told them that toilet was nasty and to go home well those kids came in the same house I was going into I went in sat down peeped in one of the bedrooms and I send the head of the house give someone a blanket and I seen him look towards me and say I thought she was gone that was when I call my husband to come and get me he talked like he was confused and didn't want to come February 11, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
In highschool classroom and hallways and often during the dream beginning to lose the clothes I'm wearing until fully naked and embarrassed or sometimes fully naked to start the dream..sometimes running in the hallway and it's packed with other kids..former classmates who I was never close with tend to be the ones I remember from the dream. January 13, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis