I was at a house party and there was old guy friends from high school there and I was going around say hi to all of them. For some reason I looked in a mirror to look at my hair, I was conceded that it was dirty but it still looked good I was happy with the way I looked. Then the party was over and everyone was asleep in my brothers room. There was a guy there that I just met last week there and I was waking him up telling him he had to leave. But he didn't want to. He was very tired but my brothers did not want him sleeping in their room. Meanwhile his grandma calls and my mom is talking to her about him and I. So I picked up this guy in my arms carried him like a baby to my living room and told him to wake up and ask my mom If he can stay here. Then half asleep he starts eating candy and saying stuff I don't know what he is saying. February 08, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamed I took a home pregancy test I peed in the cup, then I set it on the counter. Thirty seconds went by then two lines came up. I came down stairs to tell my family. But they were busy feeding an aligator candy. I never got the chance to tell anyone but my sister Stacey. I soon woke up after. March 10, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was hunting Easter candy and chocolate in a field and woods with other people I knew. At first I felt I was stealing the candy for food but later realized it was approved of. I would later find a very large chocolate Easter bunny, my cousin and I decided to give to his adopted son. March 07, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in New Orleans to say happy birthday to a friend and she wanted me to join the band and I was a little drunk but I did it anyways and then we went into a random bar and no one was there but a scary lady threw candy and beads at me specifically then everyone else. Then I was playing football with a guy from highschool that I had a huge crush on and he thought I was funny. Then somehow justin timberlake was on my shoulders and I was dancing and he thought it was hilarious and was trying to teach me some moves. But I wandered over to a dock and there was a bunch of people on life preservers exhausted from some endurance class. And Clay Matthews was one of them and he looked like he needed help so I just reached my arm out and he grabbed it and I helped him onto the dock. February 28, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Willy wonka was having house invaders and I was there to help get rid of them using all of his candy inventions February 18, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
1.) The dream I had started at a candy store from what I remember. I was having a good time just hanging with my friend Maegan. I had never been in this store; it was all white with hot pink décor. The store was a little crowded. I was sitting at a tall table when I got a random text from a number I had never seen before saying “I see you” so this being like the cheesiest scare tactic from the lamest horror movies I thought it was joke from a friend in the store, but I looked up everyone was gone even Maegan, the cashier everyone! I was on my way home when I kept getting this text that I don’t remember at all. When I got to what was my home it was a combination of my house, my aunts old house, Maegans house and my cousins old house. So I walked in and I was all alone when I got the text saying that he was here and to meet him in the bathroom, this is when I got really scared and on my way to the bathroom to meet him I saw his feet at the end on my parents bed in their room. When I got to the bathroom, my friend Adelia was in the bathtub, she wasn’t bathing she was just in the bathtub. When she saw me she yelled at me to get out but I told that I couldn’t and I tried to quickly explain the situation to her when we both started crying. When I turned around I was this short middle aged man in a sparkly green and orange stripped bikini, and he had scuba gear around his head. That’s all I can remember. February 15, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis