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Dreams burning

Found 346 dreams containing burning - Page 7

Explore a collection of the latest dreams shared by our community. Discover common themes, intriguing narratives, and unique symbolism. From vivid adventures to thought-provoking scenarios, these recent dreams offer a glimpse into the subconscious mind and may even spark insights into your own dream world. Browse the "Latest Dreams" to find inspiration, connect with others, and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of dreams.

I was at a pep rally in the glenn campus building like always. Except there was a giant climbing toy like the kind you find at a fast food restaurant replacing the stage. There were many children in this tall foam and cage building, it looked more indestructible than the regular ones. There was this man who looked like a ringmaster coming into the gym who was stopped by my spanish teacher but as he stepped forward his eyes flashed a different color then the teacher came forward to introduce him. “This is Howard the ringmaster. He will be giving a performance with members from the audience.” Howard’s eyes flashed a different color, blue shade, and the spanish teacher looked confused but just walked back to where he was standing before. I thought that it was strange how his eyes changed but I thought it was just the trick of the light. “I need a volunteer from the audience. Someone from this front row? Howard said. He pointed to the girl next to me and she came up. “Now most people think that all the things I do here are pre - planned and fake. I can assure you that this person has no idea that she would be picked today. I want to show that many people can do the most extraordinary things. You just got to have the will, practice, and ability. Most people don’t put enough effort into this but I can make people use these extremely well and get them to do their special talent however I want. I can control how these people act. Sarah, I will show this on you first.” His eyes flashed again a more greenish shade and a smile grew across Sarah’s face. She bent backward and did about twenty backflips across the floor and landed perfectly. Then she did a cartwheel back to her seat. Howard’s eyes turned a brilliant blue and Sarah’s smile faded and she looked very confused. “What just happened. All I remember is being picked by that guy.” I thought this was strange and started to think about this guy. He was completely new to this school and the trick he did was almost like hypnosis. He did the same thing with a couple more people each presenting a different talent. He last came to me and I didn’t want to stand up. He glared at me and a flash of green appeared. Suddenly I felt at ease. I didn’t care about anything except doing what Howard said. It was like all my worries had faded away and all I had to do was let him do the work. I suddenly was back in my chair and I didn’t know how I got there. A burning was on my wrist. A circle, one half green and one half blue, like Howards eyes in the trick, and then I knew this was no trick, it was magic. He picked one more person to come up then I woke up.

My dream entailed a former love interest teaching me how to box in bright pink gloves. We then found ourselves in a homeless area with fires burning in bins. He then called up a chariot which took us down a highway really fast, another horse came from the opposite direction causing us to collide. We had to walk down the highway which was now quiet - next thing a herd of cows came running towards us, a calf bit my hand so i pushed him in a room on the side of the road as I feared what was next to come from behind a door that suddenly appeared in front of us.

Satday nite, prior to that i had a argument with my parents n havent spoken to them since dat same nite before sleeping i said a short prayer n in it i ask god to show me a sign. Icut my dream short a man gave me a picture of fire people burning i assumed it as hell. He told me hel make it realistic in a building sort f like a museum. Meanwhile ihe took me in there and boom it felt so real the picture i saw came to life in this building i was so scared seeing people burn the heat i forced myself to walk through this building till the end and at the door stood this man once i made it put i dropd on my knees crying. Then today i had a short sleep and dreamt of floods war and fire rocks shooting from the sky...please help me understand this dream im scared to sleep n see another dream that associates with this

I used to have this dreams in my teenage years i see a tea garden on top of a hill with a white cottage and from there i can down in the middle of the tea garden a lake. i also used to see peoples throwing me down from the cliff to a sea and i gasping for breathe. i also i used to see peoples piercien g my eyes with ahot burning road. what all these means and its true that i have the phobia of sharp pointed things,deep waters,high. what these dreams means to me.

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