Understand My Dreams

Dreams bugs

I was in my room yet in a forest getting attacked by huge bugs and spiders, and all my friends was there but one of my friends was possessed by a bear spirit and every time my friend made eye contact with someone he would chase them and turn into a bear and try to kill them but yet every time he did all my other friends would wrestle and hit him and he would go back to normal and then lay him on a bed and dab his head with a cold rag and comfort him. But then he will be at it again.

In my dream I was in my apartment that look like the mall. in my apartment me and my daughter live together, she invited her friends over, while my daughter and her friends chatting I seen a frog on the floor and bugs all over I tried to get my daughter to see what I see but she doesn't see it, she thought I was acting crazy. So she went back to her friends. When I open a door it was full of flies so I slam the door back. I told my daughter again and she didn't believe me. Her friend was getting paranoid of me and my daughter as well. So she left me in the apartment. I beg her not to leave but she did, I try to run after her but I couldn't. Reach her. By the time I turn around I was lost in the mall that are made into apartment. I tried to find my daughter into the crowd but I couldn't reach her. Then I woke up.

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