It's a very vivid nightmare about being in school with some people I don't know and all of a sudden everyone starts killing each other. They have huge knives arrows etc. And I always pretend to be dead. I woke up from one and when I went back to sleep it continued but I was under a bed and someone stabbed me and in real life I felt a jab in my side that kinda hurt in a way...
I arrive at home and realize there are bears all around my house. i sneak inside my home trying to be unnoticed by these bears. after being inside for a minute i realize there is a bear inside my house. i go and get a gun and kill a few bears then go outside there are still bears outside i feel trapped. i see my neighbors outside, they are aware of the bears but they do not think its a big deal. im out of ammo so i see if my neighbors have ammo or guns, i get a gun and shoot a bear outside. i get a group of people to go inside my home with me to kill the bears in my house. i have a gun and my friends have bow and arrows. i walk up to my house look in the window and see a bear cub. i go inside and go to my staircase and there are bears running up my stairs where we are shooting them, the bears are appearing and disappearing. after all the bears are dead i go outside where on of my friends was mauled by a bear. no one cares,
I was in some type of alley, but it wasn't narrow or long. There were strange dark people. They looked like homeless people walking around with their heads down. I talked to one girl and she was rude to me. I ran to my house. It was abandoned, old and made of dark oak wood. It looked very unstable. I was alone in the house but I had a ghost friend. I told him about the girl. I started crying and told him I only wanted to be friends with her and she was mean to me. He set a curse on the girl and the house. If she stepped into the house she would die. He said that once the curse was set no one could come into the house. If they took one step they would instantly die. I nodded in agreement and he floated away.I then remembered I was in my bed, in the old house. My parents and sister were there and I was frightened because of the curse. They were just floating around without a care in the world. But, surprisingly, they didn’t die, which I thought was weird since no one else lived in the house.
I was at an orientation at a new job and in order to get to the to I had to climb a lot of stairs with another co-Worker and the stairs were brick and held on only with nails and they kept wobbling and sliding off and the top was never ending and narrow
I was walking out of a college building with my mom and grandma. My friend then started to shoot at me with arrows. I ran around the corner of the building and fell into quicksand. I then rose out of the quick sand on the back of my dinosaur and went after my friend. I had a t-Rex and my friend then was on a pterodactyl. We continued to battle until both dinosaurs disappear. We then walk away without looking back.
Ancient ruins circular grasses stone broken pillars arrows pillars crossbow trip fall mud people castle walls gray foam ball shoot projectile green square archer disappear blurry Methos Highlander sword car
A hawk is soaring and a strange man shoots it with an arrow. It is hurt and falls close to me.
A hunter with a bow an arrow shoot me, i out ran all the other runners.
A hunter was chasing me and two other people in the woods, he was shooting a bow and arrow at us, we were running like crazy.