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Dreams me in

Found 3,733 dreams containing me in - Page 60

Explore a collection of the latest dreams shared by our community. Discover common themes, intriguing narratives, and unique symbolism. From vivid adventures to thought-provoking scenarios, these recent dreams offer a glimpse into the subconscious mind and may even spark insights into your own dream world. Browse the "Latest Dreams" to find inspiration, connect with others, and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of dreams.

I was driving in my car and saw a little black newborn puppy on my shoulder. Then I was at home in my basement. Blood was everywhere. A golden retriever was covered in blood. My puppy was decapitated. Several other dogs were decapitated. All the puppies survived but something murdered all of the dogs. I think the dogs murdered each other. The golden retriever, the largest dog was still alive but covered in blood. It was a bloodbath. I was looking for someone or something in the house that killed all the dogs but found nothing.

So in the actual world I had been talking with this guy I had never met over social media, anyways in the dream I went to yorkton to meet this guys and he's a Ukrainian dancer so I went to his studio and they all danced for me and then my friend and I were going to do our hip hop routine for them but then my friend kept logging into games and stuff instead of just playing our song and I started yelling at her and she just wasn't listening and then I finally yelled at her one more time and then I realized I was scaring the other dancers and I was apologizing and stuff but they all went running out and then I got really mad at my friend because I couldn't meet the guy. And then we went outside and this little boy walked up to me and said that my face was pretty. Then my friend went home to warman and I went to my grandparents house in duck lake and there was this weird guy there that studies skin and so he wanted to take some of our skin home and the adults wouldn't let him but then he was about to stab me in the chest with a knife but then my mom woke me up

I'm at a church, entering through the side door. I move multiple times, shuffling seats as more people come in. They are talking about a fasting video, eighty minutes long. When church is over, I go outside to wait for my ride. There is a van with guys in and around it. I feel danger there and I continue walking. I walk around to the front and go through the church again. I call my husband and he's not left yet, he will be late. I walk back out and see the van still there, the danger still there and so I go to tell a minister. I tell him stranger danger and he goes out and tells them to leave the premise. They leave and he comes back in and tells me the danger is gone. I begin walking around the outside again. I call my husband and again and tell him to pick me up in the back of the church but it isn't my husband. It is a student of mine. I call and get my husband's voicemail. He's still not there. I'm walking again and I see a large car and two older men in suits. They come towards me with a blanket and somehow they force me into the car. They abuse my body. Then they make me go into a room in the church and they continue abusing me. They rape me. Somehow I get away through a side door and tell someone in the church what happened to me.

So I was sound asleep & guess what? I had a crazy dream. I just can't sleep & im tired of it. In my dream, I'm sleeping in the bedroom. I hear noises & our door by the bedroom was closed. I knew I didn't close it, so I got my glasses & went to look. I barely opened it but there were 3 people. 2 guys & 1 girl. 1 guy said he got in because the side door wasn't locked. They asked if I was still asleep. So I had to run back & lay down & act like I didn't get up. Then the other 2 left & the guy finally decided to leave. & it was 7:15 someone came in the bedroom. I kept opening & closing my eyes quickly to try to see who it was. It looked like Nick but he was at work. Then it ended up being him & he said something about his life just got saved & he was gonna tell me something about my dad. & idk. But then it sounded like our actual door was opening & closing so I woke up. But I wasn't shaking scared like last time when I woke up because I'm like it could have been part of my dream. But still I had to see if someone was here & I doubt I'll be able to go back to sleep.

There was earth breaking all around me as I was running. Looking to save my family there was lava spewing up from the ground. There were balls of fire raining down as far as I could see. Devestation and smoke were everywhere. As I ran I saw shelter. It had a giant entrance with large white pillars, and upon entering I saw a simple wooden desk. The desk was unattended and held one small pencil and a large book. As I approached the book, I felt it was of great importance to my saving. I stepped in front of it and a figure dressed in white appeared. He said to me in a language I did not know, "recite le Vatican". I felt lost and confused, not knowing what to say, yet as though he read the confusion of my mind, he vanished from my path, permitting me to pass. As I walked past the pillars and into the large building I had to walk down a flight of cement stairs. At the bottom I had to enter into a stall, almost like a private stall, but with nothing in it. When I entered I felt a deep sense of doom come over me. I was afraid, and sensed danger. As I stood entering the stall I saw what appeared to be bile running under the stall next to me. Without hearing, my mind heard that an angel in grey had pierced the side of another, and that was their fluids gushing out. I turned to leave and as exiting the stall there was a long mirror to pass. I saw myself in the mirror all I saw was an angel dressed in black behind me, There were flying black spirits above my head, swooping toward me and I was awakened out of my dream.

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