My ex girlfriend knocking at my front door wanting to come in and i opened the door for her then we spent the whole dream together talking, having sex, and holding hands February 26, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I was with my boyfriend and I confronted him with all the lies he has been telling me he was sitting down with sand on his arms hands and legs March 22, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
Well i was in someone else s body when my dream first started i don't know who i was i just know i was looking at myself and i was yelling at whoever i was then i said something and then i watched me as myself beat the living shit out of me and i was begging to stop but my fist kept slamming against my face and then there was blood all over my face and my hair was wet then i remember going back into my body looking up for a second before a fist came slamming down into my face and knocking me out i woke up and saw my bloody self on the ground but from several angles i started to cough and spit up blood i slowly stood up and i splashed water on my face i look up and i saw something in the back ground it looked like me but pure sick smile twirling a blade in his hands and he said something to me but i couldn't hear next thing i know im in his body again and he stabbed me and i could not only see the smile but i could feel the smile i woke up again i had stitches in my body then i woke up inside my dream i was on my bed surrounded by water the sound of distant dripping was coming closer and i saw something like a ghost and it vanished almost as near as i saw it then i heard voices.then i woke up again i was the evil guy again and he was smashing his fist into a mirror like he was trying to get something out of it or maybe he just hated the site of himself he kept punching until the blood gushed out of his hand then he smiled and turned around to see something he smiled i saw he started to laugh a sick creepy laugh and whispered with a metallic voice come get me i could feel his smile quirk up again as he kicked the door down but it wasn't the kitchen instead a dark room with water in it which turned to blood and a person on a bed screaming with chains on his arms and legs he whispered again i got you now then everything turned white and i was alone in this bright white room just sitting there i was wearing a white shirt and pants and shoes my hair was black i could see my eyes had turned green i was just starring forward and then i woke up :/ March 17, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
A boy who has a girlfriend started kissing my stomach then my face and his girlfriend appeared behind him and was staring at me blankly, I wasn't kissing back, but he continued to kiss my forehead, nose, cheek, chin, and next to my mouth but never did kiss me on the lips but when he almost kissed my lips his girlfriend said something and he stopped and they left together holding hands and she stared me down and they went through a door and that's when I woke up. March 09, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamed that I got hurt. That I cut myself then I start seeing lots of blood. After that I was walking in a long flat land. While walking a got bitten by a snake and another snake I killed it with my hands. March 08, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I, female, dreamt of my dead female coworker where i know that she's already dead and scared of her presence when i was with my high school friends whom she does not know. i tried to avoid her but in the end i had no choice as she was behind me and them she hugged me and then applied lotion in my hands and legs with her hands which were sort of cut off short. i know that she had complete set of hands when she was alive. February 28, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
Going to catch a train, walking with bottle of blue lenor in hands, finding myself in a different house, March 20, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis