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Dreams fall

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So I had this very long dream, quite vivid dream (I have been having them a lot lately), so I decided to put this up to get a rough idea what they might be about. Sorry in advance it this is long. I remember that I was in some kind of war school kind of thing. It was set in my school assembly hall (not sure why). I don't remember much from this, but I do remember we got yelled at a lot. When we were on our break, we were in a garden which looked like my nan and grandpa's garden in my home country. They called us in, but me and my friend (not sure who it was) were really, really late. When we entered they yelled at us. Then skip to a part where we were on the floor, I realised and said out loud, "Wait, this is a dream!" Being a person who has lucid dreams, I stood up and walked over to the main person who was there. I said something along the lines of, "go away, leave us alone". (This is a new lucid dream technique I'm trying out, instead of thinking for something to happen, I say it out loud, it works). Then the scene shifted and I was by my house (in my current country) with my good friend, let's call her Hayley since I don't want to give away her actual name. I said that I really want to travel and she said she wants to aswell. I then changed my hands and legs to wings and flew above the ground. Hayley smiled and did the same. I didn't know she could do it too, so I was pleasantly surprised. We both then flew to some flats. We landed on the roof of one and were now in my home country again, eventhough we only flew for a little while. The roof had a window, so we went in through it, because I saw three of my friends that live in my home country. We talked about something, and we were about to fly out of a side window when I saw teachers from my current country in my home country. So we climbed out of the rooftop window again. Then the scene changed again and we were at a really serif airport. It was only small but open, and was right next to a park. I know I was with a few members of my family. I am not sure if Hayley way there at this point. I THINK I summoned a small plane because when it turned up my mum said that it's too small and I said that that's the best I can do (in a jokey way). However when we were about to get on, you could only see a bed (sheets were blue with white pillows), which I'm guessing is what was in the plane. I was confused on the dream about that. Then we didn't end up boarding yet as it was too small for all of us. I saw a plane fall (they were really small planes, and kinda looked 2D, like a sorta 3D model of what you would see in a cartoon. I offered to help the people get it up but they said to and lifted it. Then another fell and I said something along the lines of, "come up, come on," and clicked my fingers. The plane lifted up and the 2 guys were staring at me. I walked away with a smile. Then I saw people with guns and in black clothes. I wanted to get their attention but didn't know their names, so I called out a random name and they turned around. I went right up to them and told them to leave and that no one wants them there. I think they were close to shooting me, and weren't disappearing, so I closed my eyes and concentrated. I told them to leave again and this time they all went apart from 1 or 2. I went up to them and said the same thing, but they didn't go. One was aiming his gun at me so I grabbed another gun and shot at him. He turned and ran and I shot at his but again. The other disappeared. Then I turned around and said something along the lines of, "of to California," to my family (California is not my home country or current country). At some point in the dream, not sure when, I was in my bedroom (current country) with a person (I don't know who it was). There were 3 guns. One in his/her hands, one in my hands, and one on the bed. I aimed at them but they grabbed the gun, but before they could shoot me, I got the one on the bed and shot at them.

I'm walking through a bright forest. The trees seem to shine in the summer light and the grass is soft against my feet. In my arms is my little cousin. she is in a green shirt with grey shorts on and surrounding me are the people I care about. My 'family' of sorts. My best friend and the person I love is standing on my right. She in in a baby blue dress that looks like the sky. Indigo mixes with the dress giving it a beautiful shade. My younger sister is on my left in a dark purple blouse lined with dark blue. She is wearing black jeans and her hair is flowing in the small breeze. She is laughing with my cousin. My cousin is in a white dress with a yellow ribbon around the waist and her hair is in a pony tail. In front of us, leading the way is my other cousin, and he is wearing a red dress shirt with blue jeans. He makes his way through a small arch created by two trees who's branches twist together and make a pathway. We each enter it and I take notice I am wearing. It's a simple white dress with orange on the straps and a orange ribbon around the waist. I am holding my baby cousin in one arm and in the other a blanket. My cousin puts down the basket he was holding and takes his sister from me as I set out the blanket. We begin to eat and talk, enjoying time together. Time passes quickly and soon we start swimming in a lake nearby. It took up about 1/3 of the meadow and glistened in the sun. I am sitting with my best friend on the blanket when I hear a shot. Looking around frantically I see my sister fall in the water and red pool around her. My cousin who was standing near her screams her head off and runs to my sister through the water only for another shot to sound and her fall. By this time me and my other two cousins are trying to get together but my baby cousin trips and is gunned down. Me my friend and cousin are all together and crying when we start to run. Just as another shot sounds my cousin ducks in front of my friend and takes the bullet for her. We mourn for him but soon start running. We are now lost in the woods and cannot get out and I feel a tugging on my arms to see my friend with a hole in her stomach. I weep as she fades away and start running. Darkness comes and soon a blood red moon rises in the sky. I once again feel pulling but as my arms, legs and dress. I look around to see the dead corpses of everybody pulling at me. Old cut scars now are bleeding and my blood mixes with theirs. I start screaming and crying before becoming weak and letting myself fall into their clutches and waking up after hearing the familiar shout of a gun-shot.

In the beginning the dreamer’s ex- boyfriend Andy and the dreamer were talking and having a friendly conversation on a dark green low deck that was even with the ground and attached to the house. The deck belonged to his father. In real life the deck on his father’s, Earls, house is actually 20 feet off the ground. It was winter time during the daylight. The leaves were fallen off the trees and the dreamer and Andy were wearing coats. His dad comes out of the door onto the porch. Then a dark haired man walks over from the driveway who must have known us because he said “We’ve got trouble coming now.” A very trusting friend of Earl’s who in real life has just married and moved away comes running towards him, screaming and crying. Next another male, her husband in real life comes up suddenly screaming “I know she loves you!” The commotion distracts the dreamer and next thing she knows Andy is throwing a punch at the husband to defend his father. Earl, the husband and Andy are all fighting in a pile on the porch and the dreamer is trying to stop them by screaming at them. The dream ends here.

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