So I see this young girl peeing at my doorsill, looking straight into my eyes. I'm so baffled and I keep telling her she should go out and pee on the streets (yes the toilet didn't occur to me in the dream). But she just stands there looking into my eyes, a defiant smile on her lips , and just keeps peeing! December 11, 2011 > Read Dream Analysis
Am going to my meet mother after 21 years & am very happy.when i reach home,i see doors open n its dark.i get a very strange feeling.i get into room n close the door & see some one coming out from next room.i get very scared & open the door .i get to hear from moms daughter in law that she & her family have killed my mother & have taken over all that mom had.i cry loudly n walk out & meet a friend in school bus.i try to call her & she gets down & i tell her that why didnt she tell that my mothers is dead& has been killed.i was misinformed that my grandmom was dead.i also see grand mom & ask her why she didnt inform me.i cry lots & am very scared & hate all in that house December 28, 2011 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in my home and I kept shetting these 3 doors but they kept coming back open and then this big brown dog appeared and it was following me around trying to play and barked at the doors so I went and locked myself and the dog in my bedroom then I woke up December 27, 2011 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamt that I was in a pink house and it had a lot of doors and stairs. I was walking around almost naked looking for a bathroom to change. December 21, 2011 > Read Dream Analysis
It started in the school classroom. Spencer, Kemp, Kala, Swaneet, Rebecca G, and I were there. Spencer and Kemp left. Swaneet said that Hershey chocolate was the best. Kala left without explanation. Rebecca G and I followed, Swaneet stayed behind. Once out the door we were in Walmart. I followed Kala straight back to the place where all the candy was. Rebecca followed silently behind me. Kala reached into what appeared to be an empty spot on the shelf and pulled a bag of tiger striped Hershey kisses off of the shelf and then he walked through the door to the back area. I grabbed a bag as well, they were caramel filled chocolate kisses wrapped in tiger striped wrapping. I followed Kala through the doors and appeared in a yellow room that was set up like a science experiment. Rebecca and I tried to make it work, but it wouldn’t work right, so we left through the other door (the door we came in disappeared). We were in an old Victoria style house, there was a party going on. I was wearing a white summer dress and was very cold. There was a lot of stuff happening. I don’t know where Rebecca went. I found Kala, the chocolate we both had had mysteriously disappeared. We talked for a minute and he gave me his suit jacket because I was cold. Other stuff happened. Kala went to leave, his dad was there to pick him up. He took back his jacket, gave me a hug, and before he pulled away he kissed me on the cheek. I ran back to the yellow room with the science experiment. Rebecca, and Emily G were there. Rebecca commented about how I looked flushed. I looked in the mirror and honestly I looked gorgeous, the blushing suited me. then we started doing the science experiment, and we were supposed to burn the butterflies, but I couldn’t, because of the kiss. December 14, 2011 > Read Dream Analysis
Everyone was lockd up in this huge building by some governmen t ppl and they were about to blow some nuclear bomb up on everyone.. and as soon as they got far enough away they opened the doors and gave everyone 5 seconds to get safe.. but there was no way to get far enough away from the explosion.. and you could see it coming.. and everyone was just dropping dead or burning alive or melting.. and i jumped to the ground and lived but was like severely burnt on my face. so i ran and was crying and i went around a corner and there was a massive like hundreds of thousands of ppl walking towards where all the ppl just died and some man and woman were there an di cried to tehm for help so they took me to their house and told me to get ready ause we were going to have dinner with shaggy and some other musician and that they were the king and queen of brazil and i got out and grandma was crying telling the cops to stop touching her and then they took her and grandpa wasnt there .. i asked if they were alright and a cop said they werent but grandma should be alright my face was like third degree burns and shit it was so weird. and i remember i kept looking at myself in mirrors December 23, 2011 > Read Dream Analysis
Seen my great grandfather holding open a door at mcdonalds and he was staring at me with a smile on his face and i seen a friend of the family mother who is.deceased also she just stared at me and it was sunny outdoors December 15, 2011 > Read Dream Analysis