My boyfriend forgets his money and wallet
My husband dreamed he swallowed pills but did not die. He also dreamed that his dead father was ignoring him in a dream.
My husband dreamed he swallowed 3 bottles of pills and all the pills came out in his stool. He also dreamed that his dead father, who he had a terrible relationship with, was in the dream and ignoring him.
Dreamed I went on a trip by myself and kept losing things: my wallet, my luggage, my clothes. I would keep thinking I had everything and then leaving and then turning around when I was almost home. Everything got stolen out of my wallet at one point and I never had any idea where I was parked. I kept screaming and crying and my friends would try and help me but it was so frustrating because it would never end. Earlier I had a dream that dad was trying to get rid of "bee men" (men that look like bees or man-sized bees?) in the attic and kept asking me to open the door. That one was terrifying. I woke with a start at about 6 in the morning. And I kept waking up thinking I had lost something, thinking it was all real. I kept getting lost and I kept losing things and I couldn't escape whatever resort or theme park I was at, the location kept changing.
I was in a house that me and my husband just bought but we didnt know that a man was living in the walls of this house he soon started stalking me he killed everyone that i knew and even tried to kill my dog and then even me
See flashlight on bedroom wall then scary monster child walks in bedroom
Rats hiding in the walls
My dream was about a bald headed man who was trying to control my little brother with headphones. And, a p;air of mexican twins in Tennesse where We on a basketball court and I tried to shoot the ball into the hoop, when the ball hit the backbroad the whole wall ehind it started melting like some Freddy Couger shit or something
Wallet with money
I was running around form this woman that was trying to kill me i was running through this construction site there was a huge crane tower there. I was running under these large concrete walls going underneath them i finally got away from her and found myself in a field with a bunch of people we were all standing in a circle playing keep up with a soccer ball