Understand My Dreams

Dreams in real life

I dreamt that I was staying in a house with a male friend and some others I didn't know too well. I felt slightly romantically inclined towards my friend. Then, a girl I know he likes in real life turned up at the door in tears (she also saw me looking dressed up in the background - I felt embarrassed and guilty). She stormed off and went into a house nearby. I told my friend to follow her and console her. He did. I then went to bed but began to be harassed by another guy I didn't really know, for sex. I tried to get away from him but he chased me. He tried locking the doors and I went to use the phone to call my friend but didn't know his number by heart, and the bad guy disconnected the phone quickly. I tried to escape or get my friend. I managed to get out the back door and tried running to the other house my friend was in to call him but I got lost and the guy was still chasing me. I ended up in a big city that was a mixture of London and the town I grew up in - I went looking for the house I spent my early childhood in, but then realised my coat, with my bus ticket and wallet was left at the original house. Feeling completely lost and hopeless, I then woke up.

Okay so these days i'm having weird dreams..so the other day i had a dream that i was getting off a tiny boat to have a picnic in the border of a lake with a couple of friends from the past.i also dreamed that i was running away for my life in a certain forest,it was pretty scary.2 nights ago I dreamed that i was pregnant,and after giving birth i was in my parents basement with my little sister who's a teenager by the way.The weird thing is that the baby i gave birth who looked exactly like me just in miniature..and i didn't look too happy with it.Also i was looking for clothing for the baby in my parents house.Later then my mom was over at my boyfriend 's place (i live with my boyfriend ) and they were having a nice conversation (but in real life my mom dislikes my boyfriend ) and i brought them some weird food to eat.Last night I dreamed of a huge house which either belong to my parents or to my boyfriend and I..and I was looking for something in a hurry because everybody was waiting for me at the bus stop close to the house.and i actually made it to bus stop and when the bus came i was the only one to the in do,and later on i was in a grocery store with my boyfriend which then turned into a restaurant within an hotel and in there i saw a couple ex boyfriend s and guys who courted me in the past .they were sitting at the table with me and i was looking for my boyfriend they told me that my boyfriend had left a couple of minutes ago and these guys told me all disturbing things they said about me to my boyfriend so i then went out of the hotel and start walking in the road even do there were cars there and i called my boyfriend and he technically broke up with me....i got mad at him and hang off..

Dating a girl I've never met before. Felt so real. Held hands: felt the warmth of when you hold hands in real life and the song "I Like You" by Man Overboard started playing the moment our hands touched. We met one day then the next day we were dating. We had an instant connection. She was different from the girls I usually like. I've had dreams like that before, but this is the only one that bummed me out so much when I woke up because it felt so right to be dating her and I'd do anything to have her in my dream again.

My dream was weird. I was sitting on the bathroom floor behind the door, kind of hiding from the view of the man who was in my house. He walked slowly into the bathroom picked up the gun from The bath tub and turned it towards me and shot me in the chest. The whole thing was silent, I did not scream, I opened my mouth but nothing came out, I wasn't trying to scream. I just accepted the shot. He turned and walked out leaving me for dead. But i did not die. I was waiting for what seemed like forever to just die. So when i realized I wasn't dying I reached over and called 911 but I couldn't remember my address. It was a new home i just moved to. (in real life I am currently on my way to the opposite side of Canada to move)

I was at my friends house and one of her friends were talking to this boy I was sort of talking to and her mom came and beat the crap outta her for beating up someone else and I was at someone's house he was my sat teacher in the dream I'v never seen him in real life at all and I was in a wheelchair and he was all the way at the other end of the drive way and started shooting me he shot me several times but it didn't hurt and I seen that boy that I was talking to and he was waking up the street with his friends and they were behind a marching band and he was crying cause someone died but I don't know who died and I came over and have him a hug

I have a recurring dream about my youngest son falling down 2 flights of stairs. In the first dream he toppled over the balustrade and fell through the gaps of the flight of stairs. I raced down but could not find him. In the second dream he slipped through the rails at the straits outside our apartment, despite being too big to fit in real life. Again hi fell between the flights and landed on the ground. I raced down and threw myself next to him, calling his name and ambulance. He opened his eyes then I woke up.

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