When I was young, I had a recurring dream that I was last Among my siblings when instructed to roller skate to a bridge in town. This started at my house in real life, then went to a part if town that didnt exist. When we finished going across this intimidating bridge, my oldest sibling said we should probably head back to the house. So we started to, and then there was a flood I guess you could say of about 3 feet of water. This was harmless and seemed normal until I was swept into the parking lot of a mental hospital. I cried out, yet they found it unimportant to save me. Then I went into the place, they had expected me. The staff put me in a room with a very thin person in a fetal position. My parents came in to visit me, but there was nothing they could do to get me out. I woke up shortly after. What in the world did this mean?
I got married to a man i really like but not my ideal type who is the player type in real life and i was happy as was he in my dream after our wedding in my dream we traveled to my uncles farm and were on this dirt road as we were coming up rolling hills and fields of the biggest Gala apples youve ever seen and they tasted so sweet and they layed all over the majestic colored fields but there were no trees in sight just apples and we were there to help my uncle pick them up off the land. But it was beatiful.
There are other women taking my boyfriend away from me in numerous dreams. i dont remember specifics but i wake up feeling like he is cheating in real life.
I remember seeing a boy i go to school with.in the dream we became best friends.in real life he thinks i am frightening,mysterious and that i am a stalker
Falling in love with someone I have never met in real life but feel like I knw them
I'm dreaming about the apocalypse every night. When I'm dreaming, I'm having apocalyptic visions, about what's actually going to happen in real life. I'm having apocalyptic visions in dreams and in real life. After my Cassandra visions, I'll already know what's going to happen, and when the time comes its happens. Generally, I'm telling the future truthfully, and no one will accept it. But it turns out to be correct. Apocalyptic dreams daily have became a big health problem for me.
Dreaming about real life. Jobs mixing into each other.
I dreamed that i gave birth to a child that wasn't fully formed. my boyfriend and his family were all disgusted with me, and couldnt believe what i had given birth to.
This would never happen in real life, they are so caring, i dont understand what it could mean.
I am on a ship ?titanic with a man and two little girls not my husband or children in real life but felt real, ship sinking just about to drown then I woke up
I had to have surgery on my wrist again and I made them put me to sleep before they put my IV in and cut my cast off just like they did in real life when I had the surgery. The surgery in my dream only lasted 10 minutes and I didnt have a cast or anything on my arm after surgery. but when i had the actual surgery a long time ago in real life I had a cast on my arm that went up to my armpit.