Understand My Dreams

Dreams wall

I had a dream i was in my school canteen... It was pleasant and i was chatting to some teachers and someone made a joke and we were all laughing at the door when i decided to go outside... I opened the door and suddenly one of the teachers saw something outside and said whats that but i saw nothing but she looked concerned... Just the a huge cold gust came and slammed the door on my fingers and i screamed with pain then turned as the atmosphere in the canteen became hideously terrifying... We felt a grotesque evil presence and suddenly a giant eye manifested itself on the opposite wall... It stared into me piercingly and i could just feel an impending sense of pure dread and horror.. Then a shrill high pitched eerie wail sounded and i was slammed against the wall and pinned there as the haunted room attacked me... Then it got too intense and i woke up

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