I had a dream about snakes. this is the first dream I've ever had about snakes. I was in my apartment and it was dark. Chris' (my husband) presence was there buy i did not see him. There were snakes in the bathroom and the bedroom. I don't know how many, but enough to alarm me. I was trying to catch them or at least make sure they weren't harming anything. I felt afraid and chaotic. one of the snakes that was dark green/black had small lets and had swallowed my kitten, i was frantic, i touched the bulge on the lizard/snakes belly and i could feel and hear that my kitten was still alive, so i grabbed the snake/lizard and forced ti to regurgitate my kitten. I was so horrified by this dream that i woke up and had trouble falling back asleep. Please help me understand this dream. It is troubling me.
I was on a porch with a hummingbird feeder. A hummingbird flew up, but it's beak was broken off and it could not get nectar. It was panting from thirst, I saw it's tongue. (very unlike a hummingbirds) I wanted to save it, and for a moment it was in my hands, though I don't know how it got there, but it flew away. I went looking for it, but ended up in a strange padio/room area that was supposed to be haunted by a mummy. There was a door marked bio hazard that the mummy would come out of and terrorize people. I knew it was a fake. Still looking for the humming bird, but wanting to take care of the fake mummy, I entered the "bio hazard' room to find the animiatronic fake on a track. While in the room I told the person whom I was with (I can't remember who the were, but I was meeting them there because we were going to be together...so to speak. But first I had to figure out the mummy and turn it off. I hit a button and was lowered on some sort of machinery convener. I was suspended over water and carried along, when chemical sprayers started puffing little clouds in my face. I held my breath, still being pulled along through chrome like metal caging over the water below when I saw ahead of me a hammer. It was automatically pounding the area I was to move through. At this point I finally figure this isn't something that will spit me out on the other side safe and sound. I brace myself and yell for help. At which point the person whom I met with here turns off the machine. Somehow I make it out and again start my hunt for the humming bird. Unfortunately that's all I can remember. If I ever found and helped the bird...I do not know.
I was on a porch with a humming bird feeder. A humming bird flew up, but it's beak was broken off, and it could not get nectar. It was panting from thirst, I saw it's tongue. (very unlike a hummingbirds) I wanted to save it, and for a moment it was in my hands, though I don't know how it got there, but it flew away. I went looking for it, but ended up in a strange padio/room area that was supposed to be haunted by a mummy. There was a door marked bio hazard that the mummy would come out of and terrorize people. I knew it was a fake. Still looking for the humming bird, but wanting to take care of the fake mummy, I entered the "bio hazard' room to find the animiatronic fake on a track. While in the room I told the person whom I was with (I can't remember who the were, but I was meeting them there because we were going to be together...so to speak. But first I had to figure out the mummy and turn it off. I hit a button and was lowered on some sort of machinery convener. I was suspended over water and carried along, when chemical sprayers started puffing little clouds in my face. I held my breath, still being pulled along through chrome like metal caging over the water below when I saw ahead of me a hammer. It was automatically pounding the area I was to move through. At this point I finally figure this isn't something that will spit me out on the other side safe and sound. I brace myself and yell for help. At which point the person whom I met with here turns off the machine. Somehow I make it out and again start my hunt for the humming bird. Unfortunately that's all I can remember. If I ever found and helped the bird...I do not know.
I was with my boyfriend and we was somewhere a woman came up to him and asked him why was he talking to me a married woman and I said he is my husband and he looked at her and said yes and she told him still call her and walked off I looked at him and asked what she talking about and it jump to another scene I was talking to his sister she told me that he still talking to his ex girlfriend than I woke up
I dreamt that we noticed when we were on the deck that our old house that we're now renting to our kids was shifting towards the neighbours in back and when we checked my husband and I found that one side of the house was collapsing and I crawled under the house and found that several of the foundation blocks were ustable. My son was still not aware in another room of the house and my husband was laying in a chair beside another woman in another chair chatting as though everything were okay even though he knew something drastic was happening and I was worrying that the whole house would maybe have to be rebuilt and I called to the woman to "get out of here' and to my husband "this is serious'. Then I woke up and also woke my husband up.
Dream that I was with my grandma and two sisters, digging for things in the ground. And then there was. Big Ferris wheel looking thing. My dad and step mom showed up. I was still mad at her from a previous dream I had last night. Also my step mom's dad showed up in the dream.
A far as I know, my dream started in a rainstorm. For some reason, it was my fault that wind was circling my house while a dark storm brewed outside.
Internally, I remember thinking that it was tornado weather, that a tornado would strike my house and pull it from the ground.
The difference I didn't notice till I woke up was that the house was like a weak replica of my house made of old wood. It was placed where at the school where it says "community center" but the school wasn't there.
The winds did eventually pull apart the house, but only the second floor, which I was on, was swing into the school parking lot.
It went slow motion as I was flying and whenever I fly in a dream, it slows down, like my mind is questioning if that could really happen.
After the second floor of my house replica crashes through a tree, I climb out safely and unharmed.
In the school parking lot is my cousins. Liz and I are put on a team for a new game against Debby and Ruth.
The game is like tag but even though one team goes after the other as the tagger and the other runs, it doesn't switch teams if you tag them. Teams switch between being tagger at the sound if a whistle every 5-10 min. If your tagged, your out of the game.
We suddenly found ourselves running around grandmas farm before ending up at some place I've never seen. At this place was all the freshmen and the teams were now boy against girl.
Us girls were taggers and were hanging out in an apartment like building with the boys that for some reason we weren't tagging, even though they were in still.
Suddenly the whistle blows and us females run for the door, um the first out of the backroom into the kitchen and debate hiding in the fridge, but instead hide to the side of it opposite the door everyone is trying to get through.
The lights are off and most of the females that havnt been tagged are running out the kitchen door to where I suppose the hallway is.
The first male to come out turns on the kitchen light.The males are screaming "this is Sparta!" And chasing after them.
A few of the males still have food and drinks and shit from in the room and rush to the fridge to put it away.
I'm freaking out cuz I think they'll catch me, but the door opens so it blocks me from view. They throw the stuff in the fridge and don't bother closing the door.
At this point a person that is co side red a respected figure in the dream, I assume a teacher but don't recognize him, yells at the boys and makes them all crowd in the kitchen to talk about how impolite they are being to the girls.
At this point , the fridge door is closed and Jo and gen show up next to me. I don't question anything at first cuz genna looks the same, but in this dream Jo is skinny.
Her hair is the same color, but has an anime kind of wave to it, she literally looks like an anime character.
This is the pint where I'm like "umm that's not how Jo is" and when I overly question the dream, it kicks me out so that's when I wake up.
I was in a car with my long distance girlfriend driving the car. We passed several semi trucks that were specifically carrying props from a famous movie. One of the trucks crashed and my girlfriend drove faster. We managed to prevent an accident from happening to us but just barely. Later on, we were walking up a hill and me and my friends all turned into monsters but we all still had our original personalities. The dream ended with everyone accusing me of being the one to turn them into monsters.
I had a dream that my 19-year-old daughter had a baby, beautiful and clean baby. She was sitting on the couch and holding the baby close to her in her arms. The baby looked like a newborn and was with her ex, who til this they are still pretty good friends. I remember me and my son laughing because we couldn't believe that they had a baby together.
I give birth to two babies and neither cries. They seem still and lifeless and won't breastfeed. My family is there and acts like nothing is wrong. I don't want the babies but I don't feel like I just gave birth either.