Understand My Dreams

Dreams real life

I got a call from my ex boyfriend , John, that I haven't talked to in a couple of months. I called him back and it took a few times for the call to work, but the next thing I know I am at a small white house, almost beach house looking, for us to talk. In my dream, John wasn't what he looked like in real life, it was like an actor was hired to play him, but I and everyone else recognized him as John. We ended up having sex and then a lot of my girl friends and his guy friends show up, and then he tells me he is now gay. I try to be supportive but something seems off. His guy friends are sure he is gay but my friend molly thinks he's lying. I try to convince him to talk to me alone, and he finaly takes me down stairs to the bathroom, in wich he laughs a little and tells me I always had rough, cut up hands (this is odd because in real life he worked part time at a butcher shop and he always had rough cut up hands). Then I woke up

I was living with my youth minister, Cody and his family, we were going to a church event and his wife, Mary went into labor(she isn't pregnant in real life). the then called my sunday school teacher, Leah to come pick me and their other 3 boys up. Cody went back and forth from the hospital and the event. i won lots of money at the event and wanted to donate it but this guy at my church told my to keep it so i could buy alcohol for a party. an hour later Mary and the new baby showed up.

I keep having dreams that I am pregnant with a baby girl and people are trying to take her away from me and I'm a virgin so i know for sure I'm not pregnant in real life. But why am I having these dreams? In the dream I was 3 months along and it's the same baby girl in every dream. In the dream, I was on a beach with my mom beside me. My mom lives in Mississippi so that could be where the beach came from. Me and my mom were just sitting next to each other watching the sun set across the ocean.

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