I dreamt my mother was angry and shouting at me , she looked demon like
I was pregnant and someone took my baby from my stomach, like they literally just ripped it out. It wasn't even fully developed but it looked like one. My boyfriend was next to me then he left, then I looked down and I saw a cut and a lot of blood and then I saw the baby then I woke up and my stomach was hurting
Dreamed of ex s daughter who I never met I said to her ur father sent u didn't he? I said what's wrong she looked worded said he was missing we had a conversation bout him then I seen an newspaper article in black n white print that read missing. What does this mean? missing was told to me that he was missing. Then saw the wordmissing in the newspaper wat
Dreamed of ex s daughter who I never met I said to her ur father sent u didn't he? I said what's wrong she looked worded said he was missing we had a conversation bout him then I seen an newspaper article in black n white print that read missing. What does this mean?
My 4 month old child ran to me and we looked out our front door I put my hand on his head but I never saw his face
Dan and Phil bought me lunch. They were laughing there was a girl with blue hair. Dan had leather trousers . Looked hot
I went for a walk at night with my brother. As we were walking, the night got brighter. The moon was out, but there were several moons, each one looked different. One had its own moon, another looked chewed up, another had several bright lights surrounding it in colors of blue and red and green, and another, we noted, looked absolutely full and perfect.
I was having a friend stay over and i decided for fun to show my friend how i can talk to my dead grandpa threw my magic book. it was a book that for some strange reason has water in it and when i looked into the water i could ask for a person that had passed away and they will come to the book to talk to me. So i asked for my grandpa who had passed away two years ago for some reason they could not find him they said he had been taken to the south end of heaven which was where bad people go but i didn't understand because my grandpa was a good guy. But when i finally got to talk to him it didn't really look like him it said it was him but it kinda look like a celebrity i was seen on tv when i was a little girl and the celebrity who is also dead too. Does this dream mean i was visited by my grandpa in my dream
I was having a friend stay over and i decided for fun to show my friend how i can talk to my dead grandpa threw my magic book. it was a book that for some strange reason has water in it and when i looked into the water i could ask for a person that had passed away and they will come to the book to talk to me. So i asked for my grandpa who had passed away two years ago for some reason they could not find im they said he had been taken to the south end of heaven which was where bad people go but i didn't understand because my grandpa was a good guy. But when i finally got to talk to him it didn't really look like him it said it was him but it kinda look like a celebrity i was seen on tv when i was a little girl and the celebrity who is also dead too. Does this dream mean i was visited by my grandpa in my dream
I was in war, but I wasn't like very one else. the soldiers looked small compared to me. it felt like I was in the sky, I threw cannon balls at the enemies. I had no feelings in this dream. there were three tents on each side. whoever lit the three tents on fire wins