About 9 months ago I had sec with someone I really likedd and last night I dreamed I was in a lot of pain so my Bestfriend took me to the hospital and I started giving birth and I didn't no I was pregnant!? It felt so real then I was worried because I didn't have nothing prepared!? What does this mean? July 11, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I am walking through sand, i can barely hear the sound of some kind of birds in the background. There is something in the sand up ahead of me, and it kind of looks like a ball. As i get closer i hear a voice asking me to help. Then the voice asks me "why, why did you do this?" Even closer I hear the voice crying in a low pitiful moan. I keep walking and start to step over the ball and look down. I look straight into the eyes of my fiance. My fiance is buried neck deep in the sand and is crying. He opens his mouth and a fowl smell of feces comes out, but now words. I reach down for him but for some reason my hands never reach all the way to him.its like he is slipping farther down away from me. His voice is heavy with pain as he as continues to ask me why i did it. July 11, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was pregnant and I was in pain feeling like I needed to go to the toilet but before I could get my pants down my waters broke July 16, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I dream im in anime and and im fighting sombody and i get knocked beck a few hundred feet smashing through the ground and trees and actualy feel the pain from it and the emotions July 14, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was wiping salt off of a window sill and texting my boyfriend about sneaking thrugh my window. I got finished wiping the salt off and opened the window. Things in my room started to move around and I asked my boyfriend if it was him. He told me no and to get out of the room. I ran to turn on the light but it wouldn't work. I grabbed a cross, but it crumbled in my hands. I tried to state verses from the bible but randomly forgot them. This black matter then came and started hitting me from all directions and once it touched me, it sunk into my skin and I could actually feel it. Then I couldn't breath and fell to the floor and there was a pentagram painted on the floor with candles at each point. I started having an asthma attack in my dream and my heart kept skipping beats and I felt that in real life too. I got my sister and I pushed her out of the room and crawled out. I was facing a doorway and a ghost girl was standing there and my dream then flipped to somebody clawing off their face and the girl July 11, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamed my face was painted yellow and I was looking at it, in the light. The light went away as I looked at it and I remember thinking how creepy it looked. Paint July 11, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Nuts grow from a man's back. He has to have one "cracked." I feel he is in pain. I am sickened. July 17, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I am pregnant without marriage but my family members are so happy and suddenly i eat a dice and i start getting pain and then my mother takes me to the doctor and then the doctor says k they should clean my stomach. My mother was tensed and crying. then i reach my home and tell my husband and he also becomes tensed. July 15, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis